Commitment, a value to teach children

In the society in which we live, many children and young people are accustomed to having all their needs and their wishes covered by their parents, without being aware of the effort involved for them, to satisfy these needs, as a consequence we are faced with children who do not they are committed, they are not responsible for their obligations, they do not finish what they start, etc. Commitment is now, more than ever, a value to teach children.

Educate in the value of commitment It means helping our children to develop more and more their autonomy, their responsibility, their perseverance, so that they can make their own decisions, commit themselves to the choices made and take charge of the consequences of their behaviors, overcoming the obstacles who are finding each other and enjoying reaching the goals that are proposed.

The value of committing

The commitment it is the ability that people have to become aware of the importance of fulfilling something that we have previously agreed upon. When we commit ourselves to something or someone, we are aware of all the implications that this entails and we are accepting the responsibility to carry out and fulfill what we have committed ourselves to.

The commitment is what helps us to turn a promise into reality in spite of the adversities, it makes us try our best to achieve our goal, planning the path we are going to follow. It is the force that moves us to do something hard and sacrificed that seems to make us feel alive and helps us to evolve and grow personally.

How to teach children the value of commitment

As we already know, children are not born learned, and it is the parents' responsibility to guide their learning. We are not surprised to see how a child gets involved in some task, they agree to carry it out and at the moment they do not want to do it and they leave it halfway. And is that children often are not able to see the consequences of their decisions, do not realize that giving up a commitment has repercussions on him and others.

The commitment value We must teach it from early childhood, to start developing it we can follow the following tips:

1. Give small responsibilities according to the age of the child and make sure it complies. If we know that our son is able to help set the table, we will not do it for him, because we will be contributing to lower his level of commitment.

2. Be the example of your children. We can not forget that they learn from what they see in adults, we can not expect them to commit to fulfilling their obligations, if they see us neglecting ours.

3. Teach him to make an effort. As much as possible, let them do things on their own, face difficulties, and learn that we must work and strive to achieve what we want.

4. Congratulate them when they achieve their achievements, in this way we increase their self-confidence, teaching them that they are capable of achieving what they propose.

Rocío Navarro Psychologist Director of Psicolari, integral psychology

Video: Ask Dr Robyn Tips on Teaching Kids Commitment Powerful Words

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