Delivery scheduled before the end of pregnancy can cause childhood disorders

Becoming a mother is a delicate matter as well as happy. There are many responsibilities that involve bringing a new life to the world, from pregnancy to the moment of delivery and there are many needs to be taken. At what time is it better giving birth? Is it necessary to provoke childbirth or wait for it to be natural?

Now a study conducted by the University of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia, warns of the risk to children shorten the deadlines of pregnancy and schedule it for a date before the end of pregnancy. This research has tried to demonstrate how to advance the delivery before 39 or 40 weeks can be the cause of many childhood disorders.

40 weeks gestation

The study carried out by the University of Sydney starts from previous research focused on the relationship between premature children and the appearance of respiratory and digestive problems and the development of difficulties visual, auditory, cognitive, social and behavioral. These works consider that a delivery before date is all that occurred before 39 weeks of gestation.

For this purpose, the researchers analyzed the information of 153,730 children who had been born with 32 weeks gestation or more in between 2002 and 2007 in New South Wales. Of these cases, the development or not of health problems during their development was deepened to buy if a delivery scheduled before term could be related. Of these cases the 48 percent of deliveries had been scheduled for week 37 of pregnancy and 55 percent of cases, in week 38 of pregnancy.

Emergence of problems after five years

In the review that was carried out of these births after these five years. Researchers that almost 10% of children whose deliveries had been scheduled before the end of gestation had developed some type of disorder. In this way it was possible to appreciate how the birth before date is a risk factor for children.

The researchers also reported data from other studies related to this hypothesis. Investigations in which the risk of suffering some type of health problem is greater since this percentage was of 26%. At this point, the researchers recommend following the usual patterns of pregnancy and covering the dates of pregnancy.

In fact, those responsible for this study express that the advancement of the date of delivery should only be made in cases where there is a health risk for both the mother and the child.

Damián Montero

Video: 10 Early Signs of Autism (UPDATED)

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