Sleep problems ?, Watch what you drink before sleeping

"How are you you have slept, son? "," Ugh, fatal, it cost me a lot to sleep and I have not rested anything. "Have you ever heard this conversation at home? Is it repeated for several days? Maybe it's time to start monitoring what you drink at dinner or in the moments before going to sleep.

This is suggested by a study conducted by the University of California at San Francisco which states that people who have difficulty falling asleep or who are not able to rest during the night, tend to be more prone to the intake of sugary drinks during dinners.

Sugar consumption related to sleep problems

The researchers analyzed a total of 19,000 cases of adults to monitor their sleep habits and their relationship with drinking drinks with a component that stimulates sugar. The data revealed that those cases where patients slept five hours or less had 21% more presence of these products in the nocturnal diet than in those cases where they rested for eight hours.

Similarly, patients who regularly slept six or less hours consumed a 11% more that they were falling asleep for eight or more hours. A drink of sugary drinks that takes place during the dinner or before going to bed, making the body activate and it is more difficult to rest throughout the night.

Sugary drinks and night rest

The researchers also found another question in the development of this study. Could it be that people who sleep less are more predisposed to drink more sugary drinks? This was indicated by those responsible for this work who also value the possibility that it is the lack of sleep that predisposes these people to take these products.

There is also the possibility that a circle started in the taking of these drinks, which reduce sleep and this in turn causes a new intake of sugar. "We think there could be a positive loop of feedback in which sugary drinks and loss of sleep reinforce each other, which makes it more difficult for people to eliminate their unhealthy habit of sugar consumption, "says lead author, Aric Prather, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of California. "These data suggest that improving people's sleep may perhaps help break the loop and reduce their sugar intake, which we know is associated with metabolic disease," Prather added.

Sugar and health

Excess sugar does not only affect sleep levels. The intake of these products also has Negative effects in other aspects of health. This is indicated by the American Heart Association, an organization that warns that this excess of this ingredient can cause serious problems. For example, the increased chance of developing a cardiovascular disease. This entity also warns about the problems of obesity and the growing diagnosis of type 2 diabetes among overweight children and adolescents.

Some foods and beverages contain sugar naturally, but sugars are usually added to them, which are introduced during the processing or manufacturing For this reason, it is a good idea to read the labels of the products we buy to identify the amount of sugar they contain. Other names that sugar can receive in the foods we buy are: corn syrup, malt fructose, fruit juice concentrate, sucrose, glucose, dextrose, cane juice, malt, molasses, lactose, honey, ethylmaltol and maltodextrin.

Damián Montero

Video: How To Treat Insomnia Naturally Without Medication Fix Sleeping Problems | Best Way To Sleep Better

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