How to convey the importance of saving to the little ones

Being responsible means knowing how to act with autonomy and choosing the best option on all occasions. This value can be taught in many ways to the youngest ones, from ordering them domestic tasks according to their age until they are the ones who control their school backpack. Even through the saving you can get them to learn to be autonomous and know how to act correctly fulfilling all their obligations.

Savings and responsibility

Savings and responsibility they shake hands because children have to know manage the money in an appropriate way and for that they must learn its value. In this way they will understand that spending it on whims can cause that there is not enough to buy necessary products such as food or clothing.

Make children understand that money it costs to earn it and that if the spending is not monitored will have consequences is a good first step to inculcate savings. In addition, if little by little the child deposits in his piggy bank a quantity of his earnings - a weekly payment, punctual gifts, a money that he earns with sporadic jobs - he will have easier to buy something big instead of spending it in little whims It's another good way to show them the appeal of this practice.

Instill the value of saving

In addition to these tips, you can also teach how to save from techniques like the ones we propose here:

Manage your small economy. Giving children a weekly or monthly pay so they can afford small expenses is a good idea. In this way they will learn to use the money they receive to always have something saved in case of need. It must be remembered that except for necessity, parents should not grant more money than this assignment.

Teach to prioritize. Raising the child the question of whether he really needs something or can not help much. You have to remind them that if they choose to buy something, they may not acquire something that they may need more or that they can make more of an illusion.

Short-term objective. Encouraging children to be able to keep a small amount every month is very important as they will gradually acquire this habit.

Incentives. Rewarding the child's savings with small "extraordinary payments" will encourage him to continue acting like this. If every three months the child has reached some goals, parents can reward this attitude with an extra amount. Similarly, this punctual increase should not occur if the child has not saved anything. Experts recommend that you do not give money for what is considered the ordinary obligation of the child, such as studying or ordering your room. But you can reward extraordinary activities, such as ordering the storage room or painting a room.

- Long-term goals. It is possible that the child is excited about the purchase of a certain item that year. Encouraging him to save to acquire it when the time comes is another way to make him understand the benefits of saving.

Damián Montero

Video: Things I Wish I Could Tell My Mom

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