40 grams of fiber per day: what you need, according to WHO

Dietary fiber is a product that can not degrade the organism, so for a long time it was thought that it was not necessary. Currently, many studies have shown that fiber is not only good, but essential in the diet. But do we know what daily amount of fiber we need? 40 grams per day are those that our body needs according to the recommendations of the WHO World Health Organization.

The fiber contains polysaccharides and lignin, and is a vegetable component that is not digested because it is highly resistant to the hydrolysis of human digestive enzymes. For this reason, in addition to helping prevent constipation and help maintain the microflora of the colon., diets rich in fiber are considered preventive of diseases such as colonic diverticulosis, diabetes, the obesity or the colon cancer.

Fiber, essential for the prevention of diseases

One of the best known benefits of fiber is that it promotes intestinal transit, preventing the accumulation of toxins in the body, as it helps keep the intestine clean and healthy, avoiding constipation. There are even some studies that indicate that increasing the consumption of foods rich in fiber contributes to diminish the possibility of suffering from colon cancer.

Recent studies have revealed that consuming fiber from whole grains is associated with a decrease in mortality for cardiovascular diseases, infectious Y respiratory, Both men and women.

In addition, fiber also helps maintain weight control and curb obesity, because it causes a feeling of fullness, since accompanied by water, it swells in the stomach.

And, finally, what is more striking is that it helps to keep the digestive system healthy, since the fiber works closely with the intestinal flora, which is responsible for maintaining the balance of bacteria responsible for absorbing nutrients and form an ecosystem self-regulating complex. Further, reduces the absorption of cholesterol, glucose Y bile acids.

A diet poor in fiber prolonged over time can trigger problems such as chronic constipation, diverticulosis, colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis.

How to include more fiber in our diet?

The World Health Organization WHO believes that to achieve all these preventive benefits for our health it is necessary to reach the amount of 40 grams of fiber per day. But how to do it? With a fiber bar or taking whole wheat cereals at breakfast, we get 7 or 10 percent of the recommended daily amount.

At breakfast We can also choose to take whole wheat toast, yogurt with whole grains, eat fruits or juices, and include some of the fruits that contain more fiber such as raspberry or guava, with about 6 grams of fiber per 100 grams of fruit.

Half morningIt is a good time to eat some nuts, such as almonds that provide around 12 grams of fiber, or we can also eat half a sandwich of wholemeal bread.

At lunchtime We have several fiber-rich food options that will be an ideal option to reach those 40 grams we need daily. We can include:

- Vegetables or vegetables such as lettuce, Swiss chard, spinach, carrots, broccoli, artichokes and green beans.
- Tender vegetables such as asparagus, beets, mushrooms or pumpkin.
- Dishes with brown rice.
- Whole wheat pasta.
- Vegetable creams

In mid afternoon we can take whole wheat toast, fruit, fruit and vegetable smoothies or nuts.

And for dinner, any dish mentioned at the time of eating or a fruit salad with apple and avocado, which are two foods rich in fiber and highly recommended to ingest at the end of the day.

Fiber food: avoid passing

However, taking more than 40 grams a day, that is, a high fiber intake can decrease the absorption of important minerals for the organism such as calcium, iron, zinc and copper, by not allowing glucose to pass directly to the body. bloodstream.

In addition, spending consuming dietary fiber canlead to greater abdominal distension, bloating, gas and flatulence. For this reason, fiber consumption is discouraged in individuals with gastritis or who must especially take care of their stomach.

Curiosities about food fiber

It is very important to accompany the intake of fiber with water. Two liters a day of water would be the ideal amount. And is that drinking water is essential for soluble fiber to swell in our stomach, and perform the function of drag. In this way, we do not feel heavy or we will develop difficult digestions.

And it is important to know that there are two types of fiber. The Soluble fiber, which attracts water, makes the digestive process slow and reduces the cholesterol. It is found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, lentils and some fruits and vegetables.

And the insoluble fiber, which is found in wheat bran, vegetables and whole grains. This type of fiber accelerates the passage of food in the stomach and intestines.

Marisol Nuevo Espín
Advice: Elena Compte

Video: Bodybuilding & Fiber Intake: How Much Fiber Should You Eat?

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