The benefits of prenatal stimulation

You are pregnant and you talk to your baby. You feel that it is already with you from the moment you conceive it and that you live all by your side. Are you crazy? No way. In fact, more and more experts talk about the stimulation prenatal: the formula to stimulate the learning and the self-esteem of the fetus even when it has not yet been born. We tell you all about this technique.

The Spanish Association of Cognitive Behavioral Clinical Psychology (Aepccc) defines the prenatal stimulation as the process that promotes the learning of the fetus, "optimizing and enhancing its physical, sensory, affective and social development, through different stimuli such as sound, movement, pressure, vibrations and light". This occurs, of course, "in the context of an affectionate and constant communication between the parents and the unborn baby".

Prenatal stimulation and its benefits

These experts describe the benefits of prenatal stimulation:

- Greater development in the visual, auditory, linguistic and motor development areas, optimizing the development of the senses, which are the basis for learning, by being more alert.

- Babies who have been stimulated They are prenatally able to concentrate their attention for longer. They capture, process and learn more quickly, presenting superior CIs.

- Develop communication, the visuomotor coordination, memory, reasoning, music and creativity of the child.

- Promotes the salud physical and mental of the little one.

- Develop the emotional bond and social intelligence in the baby.

- Babies who have experienced prenatal stimulation sleep better, strengthening the immune system and calming down more easily by hearing the voices and music they heard while in the womb.

- These little ones They are born more relaxed, they cry less. They are born with open hands and eyes. They are more curious and active.

- It also has benefits in the Breastfeeding: suck better during breastfeeding.

- Greater adaptation to your environment at moment of birth and during its first 45 daysHow it should be prenatal stimulationThere are different types of prenatal stimulation: auditory, tactile, visual, motor and relaxation. All of them have certain characteristics in common about how the stimuli should be. This is explained by these psychologists: - The stimulus has to be simple: a single instrument (not an orchestra), for example.

- You have to submit in an organized way, in a coherent and repetitive context (use the same songs, instruments and melodies to achieve the attention of the unborn child and develop their memory and learning capacity).

- It must be constant, like the heartbeat of mother's heart, without abrupt changes of timbre, rhythm, volume or number of decibels.

- Starting at 8 pm, there is more activity and receptivity in the baby, so it is important to make sure you are awake before starting a stimulation session.

- Consider modulating variables: frequency, intensity, the start date, the most appropriate moments for its administration, type of stimulation and its quality, so that it is appropriate to the level of development of the unborn and can be assimilated, without startling him and without altering his well-being.

- The techniques must be applied two or three at least once a week.

- The baby catches maternal emotionsTherefore, we must surround ourselves with positive emotions and flee from negative ones.

-Provide and enjoy the father's participation and other members of the family to strengthen affective bonds.


Prenatal stimulation techniques

1. Auditory stimulation: Talk to the baby. Talk to him, Call him by his name. If the mother is angry, explain the reason, tell her how happy she is for his coming, tell her that she is loved. Narrate stories, recite poetry; listen to soft music, etc.

2. Tactile technique: To caress the belly with soft caresses or small taps to the rhythm of the music. Perform palpations with different pressures, intensities and vibrations, perform circular movements. Take advantage of the shower to drop water on the abdomen.

3. Visual technique: In a well-lit room, the mother discovers her belly and turns on the light for 30 seconds, saying "light, light light" and then turns it off, saying "darkness, darkness, darkness" 4.- Motor technique: Gymnastics for pregnant women with directed exercises, dance to the rhythm of music or belly dance.

4. Relaxation techniques: Deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises.Stroll outdoors, alternating with deep breaths or gentle dances with the couple.

Damián Montero

Video: OhioHealth RN, Natalie Lane, Shares Benefits of Prenatal Fitness

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