The problems of different health care according to the regions

The granting of competences in Health to the Autonomous Communities in Spain has caused 17 different models of health care. The Spanish Society of Outpatient Pediatrics and Primary Care, SEPEAP, denounces that children do not receive the same treatment in all regions and request greater similarity. To this theme they have dedicated their annual congress.

Different vaccine schedules for autonomies

One of the biggest differences that occurs between the autonomous communities of Spain is their vaccination schedule. According to Venancio Martínez, president of SEPEAP, this is a serious problem to deal with since depending on the territory Where a child is born, you may or may not receive one of these important preventive treatments. Something unacceptable considering that all citizens of the country should have the same resources in matters of health.

Martinez also recalled the importance of these vaccines and the fact that many of them are no longer funded by the public administrations, this causes that many parents have to pay out of their own pocket. Not all families can afford this expense, this means that not all children receive the appropriate treatment.


1 in 3 children have overweight problems

During this congress, Martinez also spoke about the importance of food for the little ones. According to the president of SEPEAP a good diet is the pending issue among the youngest, a thing that he regrets to a great extent. "Spanish children every time they eat worse and perform fewer physical activities, "said this professional.

The truth is that the data exposed by Martínez give rise to concern. In Spain approximately one in three children have some overweight problem Of this group 17% of them suffer from obesity and the rest of them are in the antechamber of this very serious disease.

The proposed solutions are already known, but it never hurts to remember them:

- Balance diet and with a low level of fats.

- Avoid added sugars in food and take those that present this ingredient naturally.

- Less screens and more exercise. The leisure is better to use it moving than typing or pressing the buttons of the command of a console.

- Good sleep hygiene.

- Control of the anxiety and stress since one of the means to end it is to overeat.

Damián Montero

Video: US Healthcare System Explained

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