Foods to prevent and combat anemia

The anemia It is a disease that causes fatigue and lack of energy. The one responsible for these symptoms is the lack of iron, a mineral essential for the proper functioning of the body and which is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, a blood compound responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Currently, due to poor nutrition, stress and fast food, anemia is becoming more frequent.

A poor absorption of iron, or shortage in the diet ingested, leads to one of the most widespread nutritional ailments in the world, anemia. This disease causes a decrease in red blood cells in the blood, which are responsible for transporting oxygen to the tissues of the body, so this disorder can become a serious problem if the iron levels in the blood are neglected. It may even affect the neurological system.

According to studies by the American Society of Neurology, it has been proven that older adults who have anemia are twice as likely to suffer from dementia.

6 foods to prevent and fight anemia

A correct diet is key to prevent anemia, but also to combat it. Not all people will need the same amount of this mineral for the correct functioning of the organism, for example, a sports person will need more than a sedentary person.

To have a diet rich in iron we must include in our diet the following foods:

1. Integral Bread. It will provide up to 6% of the recommended daily amount (CDR) of iron.

2. Oatmeal A couple of tablespoons of oatmeal at breakfast, can provide up to 4.5 mg of this mineral.

3. Red meat. It contains 2.5 mg per 100 mg of food. In addition, the iron it provides is easily absorbed.

4. Blue fish. From 2.5 mg to 6.5 mg per 100 mg of fish depending on the type. Those who have more are the anchovies, sardines and anchovies. In addition to iron, they will provide us with multiple vitamins.

5. Legumes. It provides 5 to 8 mg per 100, depending on the type. Lentils, soybeans, beans and chickpeas, are the ones that contribute the most. The iron of vegetable origin is absorbed worse by the organism than that of animal origin, but the combination of both will lead to the recommended intake of iron through the diet.

6. Nuts They can contribute up to 4 mg per 100. Nuts, almonds, pistachios and sunflower seeds are the ones that contribute the most.

Combine foods rich in iron and rich in vitamin C

Consuming foods rich in iron will not cause our body lack of this mineral, but it is very important to combine them with foods rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the body to a better assimilation of iron, so it is highly advisable to take juices from citrus fruits, tomatoes or peppers that are the richest foods in this vitamin.

Accustoming ourselves to include this type of food in our daily diet will allow us to prevent and combat anemia and find ourselves again with the energy necessary to face the day to day.

Elena Compte

Video: 5 Step Process to Treat Anemia Naturally

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