Trauma: what can cause a trauma and why?

All, to a greater or lesser extent, more or less consciously, we have lived situations that have left their mark on us. The problem appears when that trace prevents us from leading a normal life, causes us negative feelings and feelings and we do not really know what to do with them, in these cases we are facing what is known as traumas.

What is a trauma?

The trauma appears when a person has to face a situation that poses a threat to his life or that of others from which he can not escape, and for which his coping resources are not sufficient, in this circumstance the person suffers a great terror, an emotional shock that produces lasting damage in the unconscious. It is an experience that is stored in our memory after having suffered some painful situation.

The causes of traumas are as many as there are people, the trauma can have its origin in childhood, it can come as a consequence of suffering sexual abuse, physical, labor or psychological abuse, having suffered an accident or having witnessed some catastrophe.

Symptoms that warn of suffering a trauma

There are some symptoms that indicate the possibility that the person is suffering a trauma, among them we highlight:

1. Flashbacks and nightmares. The suffering person constantly relives the lived situation and may have nightmares during the night.

2. Irritability. The person is more sensitive, changes his mood, jumps right away, especially in situations that resemble the feared.

3. Nervousness and agitation. It is more restless, there is great difficulty to relax and concentrate.

4. Fear The person is more aware of the environment and is easily frightened by any sound or unexpected event.

How can we overcome traumas?

All people, regardless of our age, can be traumatized by some negative experience that we live. The most important is face the traumas, and to do this, we can take small steps to help us overcome these negative experiences, some tips are:

1. Go to a professional. When a person is going through a trauma, a difficult situation, which is limiting their growth and development, preventing them from living a more or less normal life, the best thing they can do is go to a psychology professional who can help guide them. upset and leave it behind.

2. Has family and friends support. They can help you talking, listening or just being there, tell them how you feel, try not to get away from them to spend the bad time alone.

3. Accept what happened. Become aware of how it affects you what happened, how you feel, what emotions arise and accept that it is normal for you to feel how you feel.

4. Take care. Do not abandon yourself. Eating healthy, doing some exercise and resting correctly is essential for the recovery from trauma.

5. Give yourself time. A trauma does not disappear in a day, be patient with yourself, do not demand much in a short time.

Rocío Navarro Psychologist Director of Psicolari, integral psychology

Video: Depression and Childhood Trauma: Leah's Story

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