57% of victims of bullying say nothing to their parents

Although communication is key in the detection of bullying in most cases the victims they do not say anything about what they suffer in school. This is what it says I Annual report on bullying prepared by the Community of Madrid. Approximately 57% of victims of bullying do not say anything to their parents. That is, more than half of those affected by violence in the classroom choose to hide this problem completely and try to make sure no one knows the situation that is going on.

Only 14.2% of children talk about their situation

On the other hand, students who do talk about their situation with their parents, only represent 14.2%. According to this report, a 28,6% of the students comments from time to time in their homes their experiences inside the classrooms.

The harasser in the same class

This report includes other aspects of the bullyng. For example, that usually the stalker share classroom with the victim. This is the case in at least 85.9% of cases of violence. This percentage increases in cyberbullying, in 90% of these events the affected goes to the same class as those who perform these activities.

New technologies are bringing a new kind of harassment that transcends the walls from college. With cyberbullying the victims are unprotected at all times because at any time of the day they can receive a threatening message or find that an image of them is being mocked in social networks.

In addition, cyberbullying is also Easiest to hide for those who suffer. Simply erase the messages or not show parents their activity on social networks so that most adults do not know anything about these events. In these cases a more active attitude on the part of the parents is required to try to know the day to day of their children in social networks.


Attacks to the different

This report also addresses the reasons why harassment occurs. As you have been able to verify this work, In most cases the victims suffer these humiliations because they are considered different. Either because his physique does not adapt to the rest, or because his tastes differ from those of most of his classmates at school. In short, it is almost always the so-called "weird" who suffers bullying.

As for the gender of the victims, the same cases occur in both girls and boys. Only difference is seen in cases of bullying where average physical violence, which are more common in chichos than in girls. Regarding the type of school, there are no significant differences between public, private or subsidized.

How to react to bullying

If a parent detects that their child is being victim of a bullying case, it is important to know how to react in these circumstances:

1. Sit with the child and listen to him, let it be released and let off steam. You also have to show him all the support from his family.

2. Ask open questions, and know all the details of these cases. The child's friends can also be a good source of information.

3. Go to school and consulate teachers and tutors if they have detected some strange behavior that could lead to think that the aggression is happening.

4. In serious cases, especially in grooming cases (an adult pretends to be a minor to contact other children for dishonest purposes), once the parents have express knowledge of the situation, they must denounce it before the Security Forces or bodies or judicial authorities to initiate the investigation.

Damián Montero

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