Original and nutritious ideas for the perfect breakfast

Without breakfast No power. Without energy, the day does not work. But many children and teenagers have trouble eating breakfast, they get bored of always taking the same thing or resorting to industrial bakery. We offer imaginative ideas, simple and healthy for the most important meal of the day.

Experts say that a good breakfast increases performance both physically and intellectually. But what is the best recipe for this meal? Nutritionists recommend that all good breakfast is composed of three food groups: cereals, fruits and dairy. Here we leave five options that maintain the nutritional balance: Nutritious recipes to start the day

1. Oil and tomato toast. This recipe is very simple. Grate a tomato and spread it on fresh toast. If it is kept in the fridge, you can leave the tomato prepared the day before. The family will have started the day with a vegetable and a reasonable amount of carbohydrates to receive the necessary energy. If we can use whole grain bread, we will improve the result even more.

2. Milk with oats and fruits. For a while now, oats have become fashionable and there is no need to resort to an herbalist to find it. For sale in any supermarket, it is very simple to prepare with hot milk and, if we add fruit, we will be providing the necessary vitamins for a complete diet.

3. Miller's breakfast. The tradition tells us that the workers of the Andalusian mills had for food to start the day a good toasted bread with a little olive oil. Although it seems an exceedingly simple dish, the numerous nutritional properties of olive oil make it an adequate complement to the carbohydrates of bread.

4. Vegetable sandwich. This dish is for early risers because it requires some time in preparation, but it guarantees a very complete menu that will allow us to maintain energy until lunch. There are different types of sandwich. The important thing is to avoid fats and opt for whole-grain breads.

5. Twine with cheese. And back to the world of toast. This recipe is quite simple too. Simply take slices of bread, place them in the pan and spread cheese over them so that they melt with the heat received. It can be accompanied with a bit of cooked ham. Cheese has an undeserved reputation as unhealthy and greasy but the most recent studies in dietetics show that dairy fats, consumed in their proper measure, are not only healthy but recommended.

What you have to add and avoid

For the healthy breakfast tridum to be fulfilled, we can add a natural juice or a piece of fruit in any of the menus. If we drink juice, it is essential that it is freshly squeezed. The bottled ones take high levels of sugar very high, even those that affirm that they do not contain added sugars. Another good option to accompany breakfast is a natural yogurt. This will also get an extra supply of calcium. If it is yogurt fesco, we will win because we will provide probiotics to the body. We avoid sugary ones because of the excessive percentage of glucose they contain.

But just as there are foods that complement, there are others that should be avoided because of their low nutritional value and high fat content, for example industrial bakery.

Also cereals with too much sugar should be avoided during breakfast. The best alternative to them are flakes of rice, corn or wheat that are not coated with chocolate or sugar.

Damián Montero

Video: 7 Healthy Breakfast Ideas For The Entire Week

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