Children with a lot of character: 6 tips for self-control

How important it is to master the character! Having a strong temper is not bad, but knowing how to control it from a young age is fundamental so that it does not become a social problem that could harm the child with his peers or with his family. The character of a child can be modeled. A child with bad character needs attention and affection on the part of the parents to change their behavior, but of course, we can not leave aside the authority.

If our son, in an anger of his own, calls us with a cue or even hits us, we should not let it go. The child has to know that he can not disrespect his parents, you have to show authority, even if there are people ahead. If this is not the case, then a blatant, impolite adolescent is being prepared. When he arrives at school, he will be disrespectful to his teachers and will do whatever he pleases.

How to act in front of the children's anger?

Anger is the consequence of something happening to you, it is your way of telling us something is wrong. Let's dedicate time to talk with him and know what happens, the closeness of parents is essential to build trust between us and our child, so the child will not be afraid to open their hearts and tell what happens.

This will help solve future problems, as they will not be saved for themselves. Let's not skimp on signs of affection towards him: let's say how much we love him and give him kisses and hugs, although not at the moment of his bad behavior.

Must show interest in their activities and invest time to talk to him and laugh at his company. Putting a lot of love and good humor, we will give our son the serenity he needs and we will make him a stable and optimistic person in the future.

Temperament and character are different things

When the child is angry, it is better not to reprimand him at the moment but to wait until he calms down and, in private, talk to him about what happened. When our children sulk, they automatically close their brain circuits, especially if they are children of strong temperament.

It is good to remember that temperament and character are different: temperament is inherited, character is formed. It is not about crushing him for his bad attitude, but to redirect that valuable genius and educate his character towards an automodelado so that he knows how to control his feelings. Self-control is essential to govern your impulses in the future and know how to make important decisions in a reasoned way.

6 tips to help self-control children

1. At the time of redirecting the bad character of the child, we have to stop and think about how we are, the parents, since a lot of what we do is what we transmit.

2. In the face of our son's anger, we can not fall into behaviors such as generating guilt, shame, shame, giving sermons, accusations, ridicule, pigeonholing, threats and unjustified or excessive punishment. This attitude on the part of the parents generates in the child a loss of courage and self-esteem.

3. It is not advisable to pay attention immediately and yield to your requirements. He has to learn that bad character hurts him in the first place. We will dialogue with him when the anger passes him.

4. If the child sees that we are immovable before his anger, will start looking for alternative methods, such as smiles, small merits, mimes, etc. If you ask for things and are polite, do not hesitate to reward their attitude.

5. Sometimes, in very young children, their irritable nature It can be the result of a disease that goes unnoticed. In these cases, we will have to pay attention to your reaction after eating certain foods or if you can not fall asleep because you feel bad.

6. If your child gets angry frequently, a way to show him that anger does not lead anywhere is adopted the position of "salt figure": stay still and not move while asking "please, a smile, otherwise I can not move." The child will be blocked and at our insistence, will end up yielding.

Conchita Requero
Advisor: Maite Mijancos. Family guide.

Video: 5 Incredibly Fun GAMES to Teach Self-Regulation (Self-Control) | Early Childhood Development

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