Ideas for adapting to a new school

No doubt change to a new school It will always be an experience that will help our son in his maturational process. But nevertheless, the adaptation to a new school It may be the first major difficulty the child encounters in life. However, we must take advantage so that it also counts as one of its first opportunities to grow, overcome and overcome.

Adaptation to a new school It will be easier or harder depending on the character of the child and his personal circumstances. Therefore, in order for parents to effectively help their child adapt to a new school it is important to know our child very well and know what strengths we can support, what kind of character he has, how he deals with the difficulties and what real help we can offer.

In the process of adapting to a new school it is very positive that the child feels part of the events, but it is also normal that he or she can feel bad and for that, we must be prepared. It is advisable to talk a lot with him / her, give him the opportunity to express his opinions, hopes and fears; and we must also accompany and encourage them at all times, transmitting our peace of mind. In this way, a somewhat difficult situation can become a very positive and constructive situation for your personality and character.

Ideas to facilitate adaptation to a new school

1. If the school has a uniform, I took it full but not perfect to not look like a "repoll."

2. Have all the work material, books, notebooks, pencils, etc.

3. Know the schedule and try to get punctual those first days.

4. That you had a small conversation with the tutor or teacher charge of course.

5. Let him play in the breaks what the majority of your class plays.

6. Try to "pass" of possible jokes of some students, typical of the first days.

7. Know the operation of the center sooner.

8. Append to an extracurricular activity. The integration speed in this way is multiplied.

9. Warn him not to cheat on anything. The pimps at school have a hard time and more new students.

10. Meet the parents of the class, either at center meetings, at birthdays or at school.

Tips for the first year in a new school

1. In the first quarter, lower your grades. It is something normal that can be due to: the change of methodology, lack of work or attention in class, even a wake-up call from the child, who has not yet adjusted well and is angry with his parents.

2. Complicated situation. Give him the right if he sees it as a situation that is not easy, but explain that everyone in life must go through times that confront us and we must fight against difficulties.

3. Opening of social relationships. At the time we consider, invite home to the first friends you have. Go to birthday if you are invited and the child wants. Never force him.

4. Establish a "strategy" with the child. "We are going to make a plan: first we know the area, then the new colleagues and the professors, you will see, what luck you have and how the new school will be cool!".

5. Contributions as a family to the school. It is advisable to be attentive to participate in the center's activities, collaborate with the tutor, organize dinners with class parents, etc.

6. Regular contact with the school.Do not forget that we must have a continuous contact - even daily, if necessary - with the school, especially the first weeks. If it is possible to provide us with the mail of the teacher or stage manager.

7. Treat our child according to his age. Do not replace him in situations that he must face alone. Grant him autonomy, make decisions, solve his problems. For example, we should not impose our friends: "Become friends with this child who knows his mom very much and I'm sure you have fun together". Possibly, we only get the rejection of our son towards that boy who, on the other hand, could have been his friend if he had not been pressured by us.

8. Be alert to possible changes in attitude. If we see him sad ask the why, without giving excessive importance, but that feels served; and if it goes down in the notes, look for an extra help.

Maria Lucea
Adviser: M.F. Rosemary. Teacher.


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