Changes in children from 6 to 8 years old

Between 6 and 8 years old our children face Primary Education, in which they begin as children with an eagerness to learn to read and write and abandon it by opening the doors of adolescence. In these years they suffer a series of physical, intellectual, emotional and social changes, which if we know them well will help us to better understand their training.

From 6 to 8 years old: the most significant changes in children

A fundamental factor of this period is the beginning of regulated studies. Ordinarily at 6 years old they start Primary School. The incorporation to the school of majors will condition your life a lot: it is the moment to settle the reading, the writing and the calculation and of a wider social relations.

1. Physical changes in children from 6 to 8 years old

Physically, its development allows it autonomy in many facets: dressing, eating, short trips through urbanization or school ... Its health is usually good and in many cases the child's psychomotor system is mature for sports and writing. His physical mobility is great and he needs to play. His periods of attention are short and he asks to change his activity frequently. Sport begins to be an element of differentiation between both sexes. They manage to reach a high level of manual ability, although a part of the school children of these ages needs psychomotricity exercises for not having reached their organism the necessary maturity.

2. Intellectual changes in children from 6 to 8 years old

The intellectual aspects are very conditioned by school learning. The child is in a long process of mastery of reading that will not end satisfactorily until 8 or 9 years. Around the age of 7, they reach the use of reason. They are able to reason and their learning begins to be logical. They ask for reasoning when obeying, but readily admit the authority of parents and teachers. They prefer the rote learning to the logical and the calculation to the mathematical reasoning, but they are capable of initiating in both types of learning. They manifest a great interest in nature.

3. Emotional changes in children from 6 to 8 years old

Emotionally they are in a stage of serenity. Most have overcome childhood fears although there may be temporary regressions. Each one prefers to be with those of their own sex, although there is no rejection of the opposite sex: boys often play soccer and girls play mothers. They are not so dependent on parents and many know how to express their feelings and emotions, albeit in an elementary way.

4. Social changes in children from 6 to 8 years old

The education of their sociability goes hand in hand with the school. The incorporation to this one, especially if they change of Center when passing from the Infantile Education to the Primary one, can present / display some problem that generally is solved easily. They go happy to him and learn to relate to a greater number of people. They prefer group games and, if they are athletes, the boys prefer to spend their breaks playing soccer. In some cases there are difficulties of social relationship.

Advice for parents with children from 6 to 8 years old

- In the Primary stage it is very good to teach them to plan their free time, promote hobbies. Have time in family and times with friends.

- It must, little by little, pass from the "selfishness" of childhood, to learn to think about others. Encourage him to call a friend if he has missed class to be interested in him and dictate his homework. You can also have a fixed day to call the grandparents.

Maria Lucea
Advice: José Manuel Mañú Noain. Teacher

Video: 6 Parenting Mistakes That Might Ruin Child's Health

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