How to go back to school without a diaper

September means going back to school, to the routine, to the established times ... and for many children, above all, for the little ones an epoch of changes begins to which they must adapt. One of the most important is the one that occurs between 2 and 3 years of the children, when they must leave the diaper.

Going to the "senior school", that is, from daycare to school, fills them with hope and is a challenge for them. However, his desire can be slowed by continuing to need a diaper, while perhaps some of his colleagues no longer need it.

Although there is no maximum age at which a child should stop using the diaper, that time usually occurs between 15 and 36 months, during the night, and on average at 28 months, during the day, when the child he is physiologically prepared for it, that is, when he knows how to perfectly control his sphincters and "renounces" his baby status. This double maturation varies according to the child.

40% of children 3 and 4 years old in Spain wet the bed

Getting control of urination can become a problem that can continue until adolescence. Although it is not a disease, but rather a common disorder, its consequences can range from the poor quality of sleep, sleeplessness, stress and tension, to diminished self-esteem of the child, who will feel sad and overwhelmed by not be able to control their urination.

All this can be seen reflected in the way he interacts with other children, being fundamental that he feels calm and safe during the first days of school.
In addition, we must remember that during the withdrawal period, the children are especially sensitive so that the child should not be blamed or punished, nor ridiculed in front of their siblings or relatives.

Signs that indicate that you can leave the diaper

Anticipating the time to leave the diaper can be counterproductive. It is important that both parents and teachers are sure that the child is ready to stop using the diaper and self-control their sphincters.

Here are some clues that can indicate that our child is ready to leave the diaper:

1. When the child has achieved a good manual skill

2. Pronounce a certain number of words well, including "pipi" and "poop"

3. Wander around the house without problems

4. Know how to climb and descend a ladder

5. Concentrate playing for some time;

When our son has achieved these lessons he will have a good psychomotor coordination and his nervous system has matured enough to tackle diaper withdrawal successfully.

The first step to leaving the diaper is positive motivation

It is recommended that the child reduce fluid intake the hours before bedtime, and get a Mictional Calendar to indicate what happens each night. But, how to motivate our son to leave the diaper day?

Once the child is ready to leave the diaper, these tips can help make the process more motivating.

1. Right after waking up We are going to sit our son / daughter in the potty, so he can pee. If he does not do nothing, we just start to teach him the habit.

2. After breakfast, we return to the bathroom and we sit him again in the potty, to see if this time empty the intestine. We wait a few minutes. The control of the intestine is usually acquired before the bladder. Thus, in many cases, the child can continue to wet the bed for a long time at night, even up to 4-8 years, but will go to the bathroom by himself to empty the bowel.

3. Escapes and awards. It is convenient to make him understand that leaving the diaper is inevitable and that he will have to get it sooner or later. Therefore, it is better to treat your espapes with tranquility, and not to scold him even if there are moments of stagnation or regression. However, we must not show indifference either. The motivation tables are excellent allies so that children feel like doing well.

Marisol Nuevo Espín

Video: Back to School Shopping PLUS an EverydayHappy Diaper or Family Care Kit Giveaway! (VLOG)

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