Moving even a few minutes helps maintain a good blood sugar level

That the sedentarismo is not advisable is something that at this point we are not going to discover you. Carry a lifestyle with a lot of activity and where the exercise is present is something with multiple benefits, so always have to find a time of day to get up from the chair and move the machinery so that it does not atrophy.

It does not matter if they are justa few minutes, your body will appreciate that you move for very little. Even if you do not believe it, even the smallest physical activity helps your health benefit from it. This is demonstrated by a study by the School of Nutrition and Health Promotion of Arizona State University, Phoenix, which states that a small Daily exercise It is beneficial to keep the level of blood sugar

Everything whatbe done, it's good

This research is based on the claim that any movement made by a person, however small or short, helps in some way to maintain the blood sugar level in good numbers. To corroborate this theory, the author of this work, Glenn Gaesser, He checked how the activity performed affected the blood sugar levels of nine overweight and obese adults.

For this purpose, continuous monitors were used to measure the blood sugar level of these participants in the study and in the same way the blood pressure data of these people were followed. The subjects performed some kind of work that I needed to be seated and did not need more activity than typing or watching a screen, in any case could not be considered physical exercise.

In the second week of this study, these periods of work were introduced, introducing intervals of between 10 and 30 minutes in which these people had to stand. The purpose was to prolong this physical activity at least during two and a half hours a day, compared to the rest of the time that the participants of this work.

Increase in the year

In the third week of the investigation, instead of standing, this activity was replaced by walks on a treadmill at a speed of 1.6 km / h. Already in the fourth week of the investigation they changed the tape for a stationary bicycle, also at a low intensity level. The intention was to avoid complete sedentary lifestyles throughout the day and force somehow these people to move.

The results were immediate and in the first week the average level of blood sugar in 24 hours it fell considerably in these participants after spending some time standing. The decrease was greater the members of the study walked in the tape or made use of the bicycle. The difference of these levels with respect to when these people practiced only sedentary lifestyle was abysmal.

The pattern was maintained after eating and during the night, especially if the participants of this research had used the bicycle during the day. However, those responsible for this work wanted to clarify that these data can not be taken as rule for all those who are overweight or obese. Studies are needed in more numerous populations to be able to say if these results could be applied to the general population with overweight.

The need to combine physical activity with a healthy diet when maintaining these levels in adequate figures is also remembered. Exercise does not go on without a good diet and vice versa.

Damián Montero

Video: Diabetes and Exercise - Decide to Move

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