12 exercises by age to encourage early stimulation

For enrich the verbal expression of the children, at least before five or six years, it is best to let expressreally, in ordinary life. The language is intended to communicate, from asking questions, to giving orders or expressing wishes. That is why it is very important to promote stimulation of the child to encourage their curiosity because that way they will naturally improve their oral expression in the future with the use of new words.

To encourage early stimulation It is very important to enrich this experience in children. For this, it is best to handle the language regularly, using it in multiple circumstances since in this way the spontaneous expression is refined, purified, structured and enriched. In this way we will get children to develop their communication skills that are so important for return to school.

Language bath

To work on early stimulation it is very important to literally 'plunge' the children into a language bath. That is to say, that all activities carried out in common serve as a pretext for talk about what you do. A good example take advantage of preparing the food to narrate the steps of the recipe and tell the little ones: "Now we'll make the chips, first peel the potatoes and then cut them."

Verbal stimulation is basic; you have to talk to the child and talk to you a lot (without falling into the burden). Always use a language as simple as possible. Any time of the day can be good to lock in this direction, for example when bathing, when putting our children to bed, during a walk, etc. It is important to alternate the moments of stimulation and let the child speak only so that he himself can freely explore his vocal possibilities.

Exercises to stimulate the child in each age

The importance of stimulating the verbal abilities of children from a very early age has already become clear. Here we propose a series of exercises with which to work during child development, which adapt to all their ages:

From 12 to 18 months:

- Talk to the baby:

As he grows up, the child likes to be talked to; a desire that will increase over time since the baby likes to know that they are telling him things. For this communication you can invent short stories or comic strips in which the child can participate with those words you already know. In these narrations you can also include gestures for the child to reproduce.

- Music:

In this exercise, it is best to choose a simple song to sing to our son several times. There will be a moment where the child will try to hum it or even sing a piece in his own way.
When we sing a song you can skip some chorus lyrics for the child to finish. For example: "palmas, palmi ... tas"; the child will end up saying "tas".

From 18 months to two years

- Do you want the toy?:

At the end of a year and a half, the child's stimulation possibilities increase. A good exercise for this age is to offer him a toy and then ask if he wants it. When we extend our arms to take it, we will offer it by saying "yes", trying to relate this word to the object achieved and that in future occasions it is he who says: "yes".

- Your own name:

At this age they already know his name since this one has been repeated to him when he was smaller in many occasions, but now the important thing is to teach the child to pronounce it. A good exercise is to sit in front of the child, point to him and say his name, wait a few seconds and repeat it. Then we point to ourselves and tell him the name by which he knows us.

It is also advisable to ask him during the day how he is called so that the child responds with his name.

Before school, up to five years

- Talk alone:

From the age of two, we should be especially attentive when he begins to talk about anything and give him freedom to be there. Therefore, you should let him speak only as for example when drawing, or play with his dolls, as this will allow him to explore his vocal possibilities.

- New experiences:

It is necessary to try that our son live new experiences so that he expresses those situations spontaneously using exclamations, interjections that indicate his happiness and other feelings.

- Effective environment:

The children of these ages use an expression full of affectivity, for that reason the environment where they live has great importance. To do this, throughout the day you have to explicitly demonstrate that affection through caresses, games, etc. You have to try to express yourself spontaneously, and laugh and speak without fear thanks to the climate you see in the home.

- Group games:

We usually talk with more pleasure when we meet with a group of friends.In children, the need to be part of a group appears progressively, but at these ages we must try to relate to other children through games and express themselves with this company.

- Family gatherings:

Establishing moments of the day dedicated to family gatherings is a good habit that in addition to strengthening bonds, also serves to stimulate verbal expression, since these talks imbue the children in the taste of the conversation. We must try to also be present at this time and address the child from time to time.

- How would you do it?

We must help our son to express himself, for this he can be made to participate in different situations or activities at home. For example, put some books, order clothes, pick up some toys; These contexts can be used to direct ourselves to him and ask him in what way he would do it.

- Expression activities

Any activity that involves expressing oneself will favor the language of the child. In this way, you can try to exercise in the drawing, in the corporal expression, manual activities, cooking, etc. All this helps you to manifest your little inner world, which will result in an expressive ease.

- Answer questions

At various times of the day, verbal expression can be stimulated, such as taking a walk or taking advantage of visits. In these activities the interaction with the friendships of the adults will involve some question to our children and it is convenient the parents do not answer by them nor be forced, but that he responds as he wants.

Maria Lucea
Advice: Ricardo Regidor. Director "Edu.com". Editorial Word.

Video: Tummy time exercises for your baby

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