5 tips to practice sport and exercise in summer

Physical exercise is essential to maintain a good state of health throughout life. Practicing it regularly will ensure the person greater health and a better quality of life. However, as summer approaches, doing any physical activity becomes difficult because of the high temperatures. However, like almost everything in this life, it has a solution and there are several tips that will help the exercise to continue in our day to day despite the heat.

Why keep exercising in summer?

Saying that physical exercise has benefits is not something new. Practicing some sport prevents cardiovascular diseases and helps keep us at our ideal weight. Also during the summer it has many other positive effects that add to those previously mentioned, which are related to our mood, since exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which are the hormones of well-being, which makes us feel better .

In addition, continuing with the practice of exercise will ensure that this custom is not lost, since regularity is essential to note the benefits of sport. Take advantage of the free time that summer offers and vacations to motivate and distract you.

Tips for sports in summer

For what practice exercise during the summer do not become a difficult issue because of the heat, we propose a series of tips so that high temperatures are not an impediment to continue playing sports.

1. Choose the time. If you are going to practice sport outdoors it is important that you know at what times of the day you can. Going for a run before 10 in the morning is the most recommended. Take care not to go out to perform this exercise during the hours of more sun and high temperatures.

2. Hydration. If staying hydrated is something important in the practice of exercise throughout the year, in the summer it becomes even more essential. The high temperatures make the water waste in our body is greater so the replacement of liquids should also be more often.

3. Rest. The body spends more energy than at any other time of the year as a result of high temperatures. This has to be compensated with their corresponding rest to recover the forces that have been lost during the practice of sport.

4. Sun protection. If you choose to practice outdoor exercise, you must take into account the influence of sunlight, so it is essential to leave with a protective cream. It is also advisable to wear a cap that protects our head from the influence of the Sun.

5. Good feeding. It is recommended to eat foods rich in water such as vegetables and / or fruits since during this time of year, the practice of exercise supposes a greater wear of water in our body.

Damián Montero

Video: Strength and agility exercises for kids

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