5 tricks to teach your children to be ordained

As parents, we try to get our children to be formed as people in a positive way and to be good. There are certain qualities or attitudes that will determine the personality of our child. Among them, we could highlight the order as one of the positive qualities because it will make our children face the world of adults better: an orderly life makes things easier. To be successful in teaching this quality, maybe they come well some tricks to teach your children to be ordained.

Many times, parents tend to pick up their toys we think they are still small. However, when performing this action, the child becomes accustomed to this situation and later, during preadolescence, it will be more difficult to get it ordered.

It is important to show the child that as a member of the family each one has a series of tasks to fulfill. One of them is to put your room in order, each one yours. Ordering is not a rewarding task, but it is a necessity for the coexistence of the family. Therefore, at first parents can help to find or save some toys with the child and little by little they will get the children to do it themselves.

5 tips to teach your child to be ordained

1. Have access to the things you must order: so that the child can organize his things, the space must be accessible to him, that is within his reach. We must place everything at a considerable height with respect to the child: shelves, hangers, drawers ... In this way although at the beginning we have to teach them what goes in each space and supervise it, after a while they can do it alone.

2. Involve them in domestic tasks: For our children to be responsible, we must give them that responsibility. The excuses of "mess up rather than order" or "I take less time" are not valid. We must be patient and let the child get involved in the family's tasks, so he will feel attached to them. These tasks, as is obvious, will be linked to their age: pick up the table, make the bed, brush their teeth *

3. Convert it into a game: the task will be more enjoyable if you understand it as a way to have fun. You can set a minute to see who collects more toys or invent fun songs that can be associated with these tasks.

4. Look for a logical order: Making sense of the task of ordering is fundamental. Reserve a space for each thing will help them understand the meaning of this task. For example, in a bookshelf the books will go, in another the board games, a drawer for the stuffed animals * You can even paint each drawer of a different color or paste in each of them a label with the drawing of the things to which It's destined.

5. Lead by example: for the little ones we are a model of behavior, everything they see in us will be repeated later by them. We must show him how we make the bed, brush our teeth or even pick up the kitchen so that they can internalize it. Let's make that order something logical, reserve a space for each thing: on one side the books, on the other the board games, on the other the stuffed animals, etc.

How to configure the idea of ​​order in children

Being a child, your idea of ​​order will be quite different from yours, so it does not make sense that you spend the day trying to make your room impeccable. It is a great achievement if the child does not leave the toys on the floor, the clothes in the bathroom, or the stories by the bed. It is important to be very specific with the indications, phrases such as "order your room" are very imprecise. "Keep the dolls in the box" is a much more precise phrase that denotes exactly what you expect from him.

Until you are 7 or 8 years old you will have to lend a hand whenever, after playing, the "difficult" time to pick up arrives. This does not mean that he looks how well you collect everything, but that you put things together, playing.

María Rojas Sanabria


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