The Institute of the Second Youth is born

Life gives us many opportunities and one of them can be, why not, enjoy a second youth. Now a team of professionals will be available to people over 55 to make dreams come true. Because we all deserve a second youth and, of course, you too. the Institute of the Second Youth is born.

This institution, which will start operating in September, seeks to make people older than 55 and their interests visible. An initiative with which to encourage this sector of the population to dare to do what they think and to live this new stage of their life as they were young and dared to make all the plans that came to mind.

Fulfilling dreams: objective of the Second Youth Institute

The Institute of the Second Youth aims to grant people of 55 years of age the opportunity to realize their dreams and that they have not dared to carry out because they are not capable because of their age. The people in charge of the Second Youth Institute encourage this group to shake off their doubts and not even to think that the time of doing crazy things and letting go is over.

And from the Institute of the Second Youth these people are encouraged so that even that small back pain prevents live as many emotions as they want. It also insists on the fact that from this age comes the time to live life as never before had been done and break with the routine. Because as they say in this organization we all have the right to a second youth in which to cross off our list those points that we did not dare to do.

Initiatives for the elderly

Initiatives such as those of Institute of the Second Youth they are grateful because as people get older they tend to withdraw and move away from social life. Which ends up provoking in them a feeling of uselessness and making them think that they are no longer useful. This feeling of aggravation especially after retirement, when you have to face a lot of free time that had never before had.

As reflected in the study Retirement and free time in old age, retirement is an important transition process where if you do not offer alternatives to occupy the mind, you may end up falling into this depressive process. It also emphasizes the fact of preparing for this moment of life so that this change is not so violent in the lives of these people.

This is where initiatives such as the Second Youth Institute come into play, since encouraging people over 55 years of age to fulfill the dreams that remained pending will serve to make them feel useful. In this way, physical activities such as walking will favor a positive mood in the retired.

Likewise, the fact of adapting to this change that supposes the retirement is important during the previous years. It is not a bad idea to take advantage of the emancipation of the children and more free time to start making those trips that were pending to get used to leaving home and go understand that age is not an excuse for not making the plans that were left unmade.

Damián Montero

Video: The Sprinter Factory

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