4 methods that an innovative teacher can not miss

The changes in the models and methodologies that education is suffering are leading teachers of the 21st century to look for a new way of teaching. But what does a teacher need to be really innovative? Some words, which may not yet be familiar to us, such as Flipped Classroom, Gamification, Robotics and Educational Marketing, are pending subjects of the faculty and are part of what an innovative teacher needs today.

"To do innovation, first of all, we have to have passion and to achieve a good innovation in education, we must evaluate its efficiency", says Luis González Conde, CEO of Innovar es Crecer.

Innovation in teaching

But, What really defines an innovative teacher? An increasingly widespread idea is that to be innovative is to use new technologies in the classroom, from an iPad instead of a book to computers or digital boards instead of green and chalk. However, teaching through these supports is meaningless when it comes to innovation, if there is no change project behind it.

Aware of the importance of this change, the need to change certain mentalities and the lack of guidance in the process of innovative change, in the last edition of the Conference on Innovation in Education, which this year called Innovate is Growing in the Arenales Carabanchel School, it was concluded that to be a truly innovative teacher in the field of education it is necessary to apply these 4 methods:

4 innovative methods needed in education

1. Flipped Classroom (FC). This pedagogical model transfer the work of certain learning processes outside the classroom and uses class time, together with the teacher's experience, to facilitate and enhance other processes of knowledge acquisition and practice within the classroom.

"Flippear " a class means creating a comprehensive approach that combines direct instruction with The increase of commitment and implication of the students in the content of the course to improve their conceptual understanding. Is about a comprehensive approach that, when applied successfully, supports all phases of a learning cycle.

2. Educational robotics. It is an interdisciplinary teaching system that enhances the development of skills and competences in students. These are developed in an effective way because, if the courses are well structured, there are activities that the students must solve as challenges, as a group, providing elaborate solutions among all the members. Leadership, group work, and managing the frustration of failure are worked on.

3. Educational gamification. It is based on applying the dynamics and principles of the games to various activities of daily life. Educational gamification tries to apply these principles to education. The general idea is that games engage, are fun, entertain and our teenagers spend hours and hours playing without getting tired. Therefore, the use of its dynamics to apply them to education is a motivating principle, which aims to "hook" students.

4. Educational marketing. It is the process of research of social needs to carry out educational projects that satisfy them, producing an integral growth of the person through the development of educational services. The educational marketing in a center contributes: differentiation, analysis, strategy, positioning and closeness with parents and students. Educational marketing means that education and the school are adapted to the needs of the environment and the education we want for today's society.

Marisol Nuevo Espín
Advice: To innovate is to grow

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- New technologies in the school, its benefits

- Respect towards teachers

- The relationship between parents and the school

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