13 points in common that parents of successful children have, according to science

Ways to educate a child There are as many as parents in the world. It is difficult to identify which of these teaching strategies is the most convenient or the best, although it is true that there are basic guidelines that are understood as necessary as those related to the own safety of the children.

However, science seems to indicate that there are certain points that are repeated in all those parents who have managed to raise a successful child, that is, what we understand as successful children.

13 points in common that parents of successful children have

Specifically, these are the 13 points in common that science has found and that can increase the chances that a child ends up conquering the goals that are proposed:

1. Parents who make children collaborate at home. Professor at Stanford University, Julie Lythcott, expressed the following during a lecture, that "if children do not wash dishes, it means that someone does it for them". According to Lythcott, making children understand the need to collaborate at home, makes them learn to work better as a team, an important key for their professional future.

2. Parents who teach their children social behaviors. A study prepared by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation specifies that those children whose parents have instructed them to function in the social field, in the future may have more empathy with their peers. This empathy may serve to cooperate better in their future jobs.

3. Parents who have high expectations of their children. The University of California discovered in a study that the expectations that parents place on their children influence their future career. This work specified that those children whose parents had a university future in mind, ended up mostly attending this higher education.

4. Parents who have good relationships with each other. Robert Hughes Jr., a professor at the University of Illinois, said that conflicts between parents before and after divorce, as well as arguments between couples, negatively affect the level of children. This study also ensures that in those separations where the child receives a frequent visit from the father, minimizes the negative effects in these.

5. Parents who attained higher education. The faculty of Psychology of the University of Michigan revealed in one of its works that the children of those mothers who had finished the institute or a university career, were more likely to repeat this fact. This study followed the evolution of several students from 1998 to 2007 and revealed that those children whose mothers were 18 years old or younger at the time of giving birth, finished to a lesser extent the higher levels of education.

6. Parents who teach Mathematics before. A study conducted among several entities in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom revealed that those children whose parents taught them before entering the school certain notions of Mathematics, got more advantage when facing the school subjects.

7. Parents who have empathy with their children. A work done by Child Development ensures that parents who maintain an emotional sensitivity to the problems of their children, end up having better results in school and better job results. This study also states that this way of educating children ensures that they have confidence when facing their problems.

8. Less stressful parents. An article in the Washington Post states that sometimes the parents' desire to control everything their children do is counterproductive. This is what is known as "helicopter parents", that is, parents who overstep their heads when it comes to determining the future of their children who end up stressing too much.

9. Parents who reward the effort. Professor at Stanford University, Carol Dweck, says that the road to success can be faced in two ways:

A. Fixed mind: children understand that they have a ceiling in terms of their abilities, so once they believe they have reached it, they settle for their status and do not try harder.

B. Open mind. children who believe that failures are not synonymous with lack of intelligence, but that they have to try harder to achieve their desires.

While the first way to face the road to success is caused by an excess of criticism once it has failed in a test or other evidence, the second is the result of an education where it is understood that in the event of a failure, it is necessary to Put more effort not to repeat it.

10. Working moms A Harvard Business School publication says there are many benefits to those children who are raised in a house where the mother works outside the home.This study also reveals that the children of working mothers tend to spend more time on homework, 25 minutes more per week, and that they are more involved in household chores whose benefits we already explained in point 1.

11. Parents with high socioeconomic status. Sean Reardo, a professor at Stanford University, says that the family's socioeconomic level affects around 30 or 40% in the future success of the family. Unfortunately this is understood as a higher financial status ensures that children can access more resources for their teaching.

12. Parents who enforce authority. A former study from the University of California reveals that those parents who make it clear that authority must be respected will have a more positive effect than permissive parents or those who impose since their children will learn to live by standards but not feel oppressed by them.

13. Parents who teach to get their hands dirty. The professor of the University of Pennsylvania, Angela Duckworth, concluded in one of her studies that teaching children that they have to make an effort and put effort are the keys to achieving long-term success.

Damián Montero

Video: 10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Children’s Lives

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