Leader wood: qualities and virtues of a good leader

Although we may think that for be a leader It is enough to be in charge, being a leader is not something simple, it is much more than being in charge. Being in command of a team, institution, service or group of any kind does not imply being a Leader. Being in charge is a task, a function that is imposed from the outside, but not everyone who is in charge of something is a good leader.

The leader must have qualities and virtues intrinsic to his person that would allow him to lead a group, from understanding, conciliation and the ability to motivate others. On many occasions we see the leaders, always safe and calm, admired and respected by others, and we can think that it is something simple, but having leader's wood implies effort and concern for the whole team, ability to make decisions, and various problems. of head

The leader types

To be a good leader, it is necessary to have leader's wood, to be able to carry out an effective and fruitful leadership. We can have several types of leaders:

1. The impositor, or authoritarian. The leader that everyone fears and does what he says not out of conviction, but out of fear of reprisals. This type of leader manages to follow his instructions, but does not motivate, does not listen and does not lead to new things being done. He does not care about the needs of others and limits himself to giving orders. The impositor leader does not have an effective leadership.

2. The soft or permissive leader. It would be a kind of leader who cares to listen to others and to meet their needs, but is too permissive and does not convince others. This type of leader will have serious difficulties in making decisions and for others to follow his instructions and to do a group work. They are people who play a leading role without being intrinsically. Nor does it carry out effective leadership.

3. The effective or democratic leader. He is a leader who finds balance, who knows how to listen and attend to the needs of others, but who also knows how to convince and is capable of making just and fruitful decisions. He is a leader who changes, who learns, a sure and understanding leader, but firm. In this case, there is an effective leadership and we can say that this type of leader is the one who really has leadership.

Leader wood: how to recognize it

The good leader or democratic leader must have a series of qualities. But what are the values ​​of the good leader?

1. CONFIDENCE AND SECURITY. It has a character that inspires confidence. This type of character is typical of people who are confident of themselves and confident in their abilities. Trusting oneself is key for others to trust in one.

2. COMMUNICATION. He knows how to communicate with others. It is about making oneself understood and listening to others.

3. CAPACITY AND SELF-DISCIPLINE. It has capacity. Besides speaking, he acts and demonstrates and reinforces his words with his acts. But he is also capable of directing his capacity and effort to achieve an end.

4. COMMITMENT. He is a person who shows his involvement and who is respected. The leader works with others, is involved and cares for the common goal as one more and serves as an example.

5. HUMILITY AND GENEROSITY. The leader knows how to be humble and seeks the common good, not his own good. Since the common good is the way to achieve their good.

6. CHARISM. The good leader is a charismatic person. He is a person who feels good about himself and makes others feel good.

7. INITIATIVE. The good leader is brave and has initiative, he dares to do new things, to defend his rights and those of his team.

8. TROUBLESHOOTING. He has developed strategies to solve the problems that he faces every day.

9. POSITIVE ATTITUDE. He shows a positive attitude toward life in general and did the work of the group he leads in particular. Contains that attitude, that desire and that energy.

10. PASSION. The leader is passionate about what he does and gets others to do it too.

The good leader, is it born or is it made?

The characteristics of the good leader are characteristics that may be predisposed by their type of character, but they can also develop. Some tips to develop leader wood and exercise effective leadership are the following:

1. Develop a healthy self-esteem and confidence in yourself, if you transmit confidence others will trust you. Also try to be faithful and integrated to your words and promises.

2. Communicate your decisions to the entire team and listen to their opinions. The leader's job is to coordinate the whole team for a common task or objective, he will have to listen to everyone to combine all the strengths.

3. Be firm with yourself, propose objectives that you can fulfill and learn to organize your time and work.

Four. You can not ask for commitment from others if you do not commit. Act as you want others to act and they will do the same.

5. See that your goal is to achieve the ends of others. Remember that this is the leader's job.

6. Develop your charisma, Learning to be good with yourself, enjoy everything you do.

7. Learn from your mistakes and try new things. Remember that of all the new things you try, most will not work but it is enough that only one of them works.

8. Develop strategies to solve problems, analyze the problem, find solutions, value them and evaluate them.

9. Develop your positive thinking. Analyze the thoughts you have and discuss them, learn to think positively.

10. Fall in love with what you do, In addition to spreading the passion in others, it will not be difficult for you to do your job.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz. Clinical health psychologist. Specialist in pedagogy and child and youth psychology. Director of Educa and Learn. Author of the collection Stimulate the reading and writing processes.

Video: The Effective Leader Manager from The Corporate Coach Group

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