5 tips to prevent the baby from biting the breast during breastfeeding

Motherhood implies endless special moments with the children. Without a doubt, one of the most special moments during this period is breastfeeding, an act in which mothers experience a special connection with their baby. But, what happens when difficulties arise such aswhat to do in case the baby bites the breast while breastfeeding

It is possible to reduce this action of the babies with certain actions that will make the little ones do not hurt the mothers while they are breastfeeding.

Why do babies bite?

It is important that if our baby begins to bite the breast of the mother during breastfeeding remedy is given as this act can cause problems in the mother that can range from great pain in this area to bleeding. It is also important to banish myths about the baby's bite during breastfeeding such as: "the little one bites because he does not want the breast anymore", "when his teeth come out he should no longer breastfeed" or "the baby bites because he does not want milk but food. "

You have to know that the fact that the baby bites is something totally normal, is something natural during the development of the babies' motor skills, which will later be necessary to feed with solids. That is to say, that the baby bites only means that he is learning to feed himself in another way, not that he no longer wants the breast.

Once you understand that there is no reason to stop breastfeeding, you have to know that after the first bite the second will come and so on. To avoid that the thing go to more and that the pain intensifies as the dental development of babies move forward. That is why we must resort to certain techniques so that this desists or at least reduces the bites in the mother's breast.

Five tips to avoid biting the baby during breastfeeding

Once the baby has taken the first bite in the breast of the mother it is important to remedy and prevent the problem from going on because as the baby develops his teeth will increase the pain and the possibility that the mother after the bite. For this you can resort to a series of tips in order to remedy this attitude in children:

1. Do not take it as a joke. One of the mistakes that is made in this case is laughing after the first bite during breastfeeding either because the mother sees this action tender or because someone close to the mother sees the mother's scare funny after the bite. As has already been said, this matter is serious and can cause injuries to the mother's breast, it must be given the seriousness it deserves.

2. Say no clear and forceful. In line with the previous advice is important to understand the baby who has done wrong. To do this you have to tell him bluntly "no". Keep in mind that if you are too serious, the child may feel scared so if after saying "no" they cry you have to calm them down even if you do not breastfeed immediately.

3. Non-verbal language. Using a face of pain or seriousness after the bite will be more useful when transmitting to the children the result of their mouthful. Facial language will be easier to understand for children who have not yet mastered the use of verbal communication.

4. Consequence. When the bite is produced, the breast should be removed so that the infant relates that his bite has caused the milk to be removed. Surely the baby cries when his chest is denied, so it is important when this action is done to have him in his arms to comfort him. But do not breastfeed again immediately as it is important that you understand the result of your bite.

5. Teether. An option to calm the desire to bite the baby is to offer a substitute. When the pressure of the child's teeth is felt, the mother can interrupt the suction and offer a bite so that her child can bite. When you finish with this object you can continue with breastfeeding.

Damián Montero

Video: 5 Tips on Stopping Biting During Breastfeeding | CloudMom

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