Osteoporosis: how to prevent bone fractures

The osteoporosis It is characterized by a decrease in bone density and increased bone fragility. Therefore, there is an increased risk of fracture. For this reason, precautions must be taken to prevent those broken bones.

People, especially those over 65, are not aware of the fragility of their bones, until the first manifestations occur, usually spinal fractures or vertebral crush, which cause pain, called back pain, and which are often caused by minor trauma or stress. When the vertebrae are crushed, there is a reduction in size and a certain deformity in the back called "hump of the widow". There are also frequent fractures of wrist, neck of humerus and hip.

Osteoporosis: tricks to prevent bone fractures

To prevent fractures, it is important to keep the following tips in mind:

1. Prevent falls. Any support or sudden movement can favor bone fractures when we suffer from osteoporosis. Thus, we can take into account different aspects of the home such as avoiding areas of poor lighting, carpets or loose mats and slippery floors. The eldest must wear shoes with rubber soles, and if they are leather, it is preferable to put filis.

2. Take care of the postures at rest. The bed should have an adequate height, 35 or 40 centimeters, which allows you to lie down and get up without much effort. The best position to rest is face up, introducing a pillow under the knees and thighs to avoid lumbar lordosis. To sit, a high-backed chair is suitable, a seat that is hard and not excessively high. Good back support is important, using a small cushion behind the lower back and feet on a 15 or 20 centimeter drawer. Specially cushioned chairs or armchairs are forbidden, because they produce bone fractures when the person tries to get up because there is a bad placement of the back.

3. Prevent vertebral pain. In general, and in case of osteoporosis in particular, you have to lift objects from the floor by flexing the knee and hip, take the object towards the abdomen and rise progressively with the object near the chest. Do not take objects located on the head. Move objects near the object to the chest, or over the head or hip with both hands. It is preferable to push than to drag and in case of heavy objects, the two feet must be separated by advancing one; if possible, push with your back on the object and reverse it.

How to do the activities of daily life

- Griddle. Set the height of the board to the same as the hip and raise one leg over a 20-centimeter rise. Place a nearby coat rack or clothes cart, to avoid continuous muscle stretching.

- Colada. Perform regular washes. Front-loading washing machines are suitable. Insert and remove clothes in small quantities, squatting or sitting.

- Beds. Make them sitting in a chair. First on one side and then on the other, avoiding raising the mattress with your hand.

- House cleaning. Use vacuum cleaner, brush, mop, long-handled dustpan and bend the knees, not the back. Use a bucket of water with wheels, filling it only halfway and emptying it little by little.

- Physical activity. It increases the respiratory capacity and heart rate of the individual, improving their agility. It is very appropriate to perform the march with a faster pace than usual and advisable to do it at least 30 minutes a day. The static bicycle promotes coordination and can replace walking, maintaining the joint and muscle system in good condition. The saddle and handlebar should be kept at a suitable height to avoid bending the back. Swimming is excellent to maintain a good physical condition, since movements with less resistance are performed.

- Craft activities. Increase muscle strength and joint mobility. Thus, making looms, favor the global movement of the upper limb; Molding clay is especially indicated for the fingers and increases muscle strength and joint mobility; costume jewelery favors fine coordination and hand-eye coordination.

All these activities must be in accordance with the tastes and personal characteristics of the person, to increase the benefits of them.

María Gracia CarpenaOccupational therapist

Video: Preventing, Diagnosing and Treating Osteoporosis Video – Brigham and Women’s Hospital

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