Things that stop disturbing you when you have your first child

"When you're a mother ..." The expression that every person has heard in his youth followed by multiple phrases like "you will understand", "you will see", "you will change your mind" and a long etcetera could not be more right. Being a mother (and father) changes life completely, and one of the aspects that is most noticeable is inThese are little things that used to upset you ... and that you are now completely used to.

It is quite possible that before you had your first child, unless you had been raised in a family with many members, you would not have had to face certain day-to-day situations of motherhood that put your sense of disgust to the test ... here some of them.

Things that stop giving you disgust when you're a mother

1.- Snot of another person. And aspire them. Your baby gets a cold, has mucus ... and is still too young to blow his nose, what to do? Aspire them, of course. Probably you had never considered the possibility of sniffing another person's mucus until now ... but it's impossible for you to be disgusted, it's your baby's!

2.- Clean up stools ... and analyze them. We all know that babies make poopies, and that they have to be cleaned. You prepare for this but the next level comes: analyze your stool. Because you need to look at the frequency, the color, the consistency ... disgust? What is that?

3.- Vomiting. They begin when they are babies with small and very frequent puffs composed mainly of breast milk * but they grow and, although the frequency becomes smaller, when the vomit arrives it can contain almost anything. And you have to clean it.

4.- Chewed food. "Wow, what is that on the floor ...?" Indeed, a piece of chewed apple, or meat, or to know what food that has fallen to your little one.

5.- Put cream on the child's bottom. The little asses of children often suffer, especially when they are still wearing a diaper ... and it's time to put them on the spot.

6.- Being on the receiving end of sneezing, cough, and other bodily excretions of children. If a stranger coughs on the train with the bad manners of not covering himself, you are horrified. But your little one does it ... and you can only clean up (and teach him how to do it next time, of course). The time has come to not be able to leave the house without a package of wipes for incidentals of this type.

7.- Playing doctors, without playing. Are you apprehensive and are you afraid of blood? Get ready, because the time has come to adapt and turn your house into a small ambulance with everything you need, especially for bloody wounds when they fall while playing in the park.

Angela R. Bonachera

Video: 10 Things You Should Never Google

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