Co-sleeping and its benefits for the baby

The co-sleeping It is the custom for parents and baby to share a bed at night. This custom has been common in all cultures since time immemorial, but from the nineteenth century began to lose this custom in Europe. Now many groups are trying to make new parents aware of their benefits in order to recover the cohabitation.

Almost in memory is the publication in 1978 of the book The Family Bed, by Thine Thevenin, where the bed was presented as the ideal means to establish breastfeeding in the newborn and to strengthen ties with the baby. Currently, co-sleeping begins to gain followers, not because of space problems as before. Although babies have a crib and a room of their own, many parents already know the recommendations of numerous health institutions that "recommend that newborn babies and for at least 6 months sleep together, that is, practice co-sleeping. they recommend their practice even after 3 years ", explains Ana Villaseca, founder of Amarsupiel.

"The child is not prepared to sleep apart from the parents, this has been a relatively new trend since throughout history and in almost all cultures, the natural thing has always been to sleep together," adds this expert.

5 benefits of co-sleeping for children

The co-sleeping brings various benefits both the children and the parents who practice it. Ana Villaseca explains what are the main advantages of co-sleeping:

1. The child learns to sleep peacefully. Gaining the confidence and tranquility of being able to sleep without it supposes a state of fear and insecurity in the child can take years. "If that transition is made in a quiet way, increasing their security, staying together at night until the child does not need it, one day he will leave with assertiveness and without fear of his own room, having worked an attachment and a secure link ", explains the founder of Amarsupiel.

2. Higher quality sleep of the baby. Babies who sleep with their parents cry less than babies who sleep alone. Therefore, their level of well-being while they sleep is greater, in addition to encouraging good sleep habits.

3. Encourages breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is simple at night if the baby is next to the mother. "Simply, if it is small, it will be necessary to help him approaching him to the chest and, later on, he himself will approach the breast and will breast feed what he needs without scarcely awakening the mother," says the founder of Amarsupiel.

4. The rest of the parents is greater. Thanks to co-sleeping, parents can attend to their children without the need to get out of bed physically. "In addition, although babies who sleep with their mothers wake up more times to breastfeed, the time they spend awake is shorter, so the rest of the baby and mother is greater," says Ana Villaseca.

5. Strengthening of the father-daughter relationship. The bond between the parents and the baby is strengthened, since time is recovered from being together when full days of work are spent. The co-sleeping offers them an opportunity to recover that lost time and share more physical and emotional contact.

"90% of children around the world sleep accompanied, Western societies are those that have encouraged parents to prematurely separate their children at night over the past two centuries.Today there are many professionals and health institutions that recommend that the old habit of sleeping with them be resumed, "concludes Ana Villaseca, founder of Amarsupiel.

Marina Berrio

Video: Medical Mondays: Cosleeping & Your Baby-Creating A Safe Sleep Environment

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