Psychological pregnancy, is it possible?

Some women can develop what is known as psychological pregnancy, because the frustration of not reaching the desire to be mothers, can cause the body to respond creating a false pregnancy. A deception that reproduces the real symptoms of pregnancy, without it occurring.

A response from the organism in an attempt to satisfy a longing that never comes, an answer that is a deception. And it appears as a joke giving a solution to the feeling of frustration.

The psychological pregnancy is cause for confusion for specialists, patients and for society. How can it be possible, to present the symptoms of pregnancy, without gestation? However, it is a disorder that we must take seriously and treat appropriately, since it causes serious emotional consequences to women who suffer from it.

The psychological pregnancy is false, although it seems real

Incredible as it may seem, the symptoms of pregnancy sometimes appear without gestation. As incredible as the changes in the woman may seem, the symptoms are real, menstruation disappears, little by little the belly increases in size, nausea, etc. The psychological pregnancy also known as pseudocytosis (pseudo-false, and ciesis gestation), is a real psychological disorder that requires treatment and much understanding.

Psychological pregnancy as a disorder

Pseudocytosis or psychological pregnancy, it is included in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental illnesses (DSM V), as a type of somatic symptom disorder. A somatic symptom disorder is one in which certain hidden emotions manifest or find their way out through organic symptoms. The organic signs and symptoms experienced by the subject are real, but there is no physical illness or disease that can explain it.

In psychological pregnancy, women who suffer from it have all the symptoms of a normal pregnancy, but without pregnancy. A mind very convinced of something, can convince the body of something no matter what the doctors and tests say. The power of the unconscious mind is greater to convince and dominate the body than any other test. The first symptoms serve to reinforce the belief and we enter a circle from which it is difficult to leave.

Emotional basis of psychological pregnancy

Emotions are the basis underlying all somatic symptom disorder, an emotional need hidden as anguish, fear, frustration, ... In the case of psychological pregnancy these are the types of emotions that usually cause it:

1. The fear of getting pregnant without wanting it. It is usually common in adolescents and young girls, after their first sexual relations with the fear of a possible pregnancy can manifest that hidden emotion with a psychological pregnancy. In this case they have delayed menstruation, swelling in the belly, sensitivity, etc.

2. Anxiety about getting pregnant and the frustration of not getting it. In this case they are usually women with a great desire to be mothers, who can not get pregnant or who are not in a position to do so, as in the case of sterility. In these cases the body lets out that emotion and can manifest it with a psychological pregnancy.

3. Women who end up entering menopause. Menopause is an indicator of the passage of time, that we are no longer young, this can generate an anguish that leads to a ghost pregnancy as a desire to keep the body young.

4. Women who imitate a pregnancy of nearby women. It is the least common case, but sometimes when a very close woman or of the same family has a real pregnancy, the same symptoms can be manifested.

The causes of psychological pregnancy

Although there is no cause that clearly triggers the psychological pregnancy, we can point out some possible causes. Not all women who have these circumstances suffer a psychological pregnancy, nor do they have to suffer it, some will be more prone than others, the personal characteristics linked to these possible causes will be responsible for the psychological pregnancy:

- Strong desires to be a mother and difficulties for it. That is, it appears in menopausal women, with fertility problems, who have had several miscarriages, etc.

- Fear of becoming pregnant. Young girls, faced with their first sexual experiences, can experience this fear and experience it so intensely that it causes high levels of concern.

- Depression. Certain mental states such as depression when accompanied by any of the other causes or triggers.

- Couple problems. Given the problems of a couple, the psychological pregnancy can appear as a way to solve problems and maintain the relationship.

- Solidarity It is about living the same symptoms as a very close person.In this case we also find men who experience the symptoms of pregnancy when their partner is pregnant.

The symptoms of psychological pregnancy

Many of the symptoms of psychological pregnancy are the same as in a normal pregnancy.

- Menstruation disappears.
- Increases the size and sensitivity of the breasts, as well as the mammary aura.
- Possible softening of the cervix.
- Increases the size of the abdomen and takes the form of the tripita of the pregnancies.
- Nausea, stomach acidity.
- Sleep disorders.
- Cravings
- Increased appetite.

However, there are some symptoms that do not correspond to a true pregnancy. Let's see what they are:

- In real pregnancy, from the fifth or sixth month, the navel of the mother begins to excel, in psychological pregnancy this investment is not produced.

- You gain weight in a much more intense way than in a real pregnancy.

- In most cases, there is no delivery. Although in very intense cases a false delivery takes place.

Treatment of a psychological pregnancy

1. A lot of understanding, patience and tact. Some women only need medical proof that they are not pregnant so that the symptoms disappear, this happens especially in the cases of young women who fear to stay in state. However with other women this will not be enough. Psychological pregnancy is an emotional disorder. The woman who suffers is not inventing pregnancy, is not deceiving anyone, has the real symptoms and she firmly believes that she is pregnant.

2. Be careful when you tell her you are not pregnantFor her, her pregnancy is real. If this happens, the doctor will change quickly.

3. Usually requires psychological treatment focused on letting out that hidden emotion that underlies the false manifest pregnancy.

Celia Rodríguez Ruiz. Clinical health psychologist. Specialist in pedagogy and child and youth psychology. Director of Educa and Learn. Author of the collection Stimulate Reading and Writing Processes.

Pregnancy calendar week to week

Click on each petal or circle to see the content of your week or trimester of pregnancy respectively.

Video: False Pregnancy

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