This will be the final evaluation of students in Primary Education with the Lomce

The last Council of Ministers, held this Friday, has approved the Royal Decree which will regulate the characteristics of the final evaluation tests of Primary Education, one of the novelties of the new educational law launched by the current Government: the Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality (Lomce).

In this way, and at the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, these will be the characteristics of the final evaluation of this educational cycle. Some tests that will be common in all Spain and whose detail we explain next.

Characteristics of the 'revalidation' of Primary

1.- These tests will be carried out when the sixth course ends of the stage of Primary Education.

2.- The final evaluation in this stage aims to verify the degree of acquisition by the students of the competition three basic aspects: linguistic communication, mathematics and the basic competences in science and technology. Likewise, it will also measure the achievement of the objectives of the stage set out in the law.

3.- The objective of this test is "to diagnose learning difficulties in the linguistic, mathematical and science and technology competencies, to facilitate the transition between the Primary Education and Compulsory Secondary Education stages, and to guide and inform about intervention needs, improvement or curricular adaptation ", according to the Government.

4.- The result of the final evaluation will not condition the student's passage to Compulsory Secondary Education. That is, if the student has passed Primary, he will pass to ESO even if the test goes wrong.

5.- In the Autonomous Communities that have co-official languages, the co-official language will also be evaluated. and their results will be included in the evaluation of linguistic communication competence. This evaluation will be measured in the same proportion as the Spanish Language.

6.- The evaluations will be individualized and censuses, that is to say, "they will understand all the students of all the educational centers of the Spanish Educational System", they qualify from the Ministry.

7.- It will be external tests. This means that the application and correction of the same will be carried out by teachers of the Spanish Educational System who do not work in the respective teaching centers.

8.- The students that present specific needs of educational support (disability, dyslexia, specific learning difficulties, and other personal or school history conditions) will perform tests adapted to their needs.

9.- The parents or legal guardians of the students may request the review of the results obtained before the competent body of each educational administration.

10.- Taking into account the situation from which the center departs and the improvement or worsening of its results, as well as the context of the school, the educational Administrations will be able to establish specific plans to improve the schools.

11.- The result of the final stage evaluation will be expressed as follows: In Sufficient (IN), Sufficient (SU), Good (BI), Remarkable (NT) and Outstanding (SB).

1.4 million for these tests

The first call for these final evaluation tests in Primary Education will be at the end of this 2015/2016 course. For the same the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport has a starting budget of 1,451,390 euros, intended to finance the tests.

According to government data, 481,375 students will take sixth grade of primary education in almost 14,000 schools who will perform these tests for the first time, both publicly funded centers (public and private) and private.

Evaluations in the education system

The establishment of evaluations to all students at the end of the stages of Primary Education, ESO and Baccalaureate is, as already mentioned, one of the main novelties of the educational reform designed by the Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, for the improvement of educational quality (Lomce).

The Government assures that these external final evaluations provide information "of extraordinary utility" to the educational community, since it offers "information about the common goals and objectives of the educational stages and about the progress of the students in the educational system". Also, they assure that it will allow the early detection of learning difficulties.

With the introduction of the new external final evaluations, "Spain joins the international trend that is the majority in the OECD countries", explain from the Government, who recall that in most of the countries of the Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development and the European Union there is an "external and standardized" test at the end of the educational stages.

Specifically, according to the PISA 2009 report, mentioned by the Executive, in 24 of the 34 OECD countries there is an external and standardized test. Among these countries stand out some with the best grades in these tests: Finland, Norway, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada. "Two out of every three students from the most developed countries in the world are in educational systems where this type of test is carried out", they say from the Government chaired by Mariano Rajoy.

"The external evaluations configure a system of clear signaling of the common objectives that have to be fulfilled at the end of each educational stage and, consequently, guarantee equality in the right to education of all citizens," they conclude.

Video: Criterios evaluación oposiciones maestros educación primaria / evaluation primary education

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