Are you looking for extracurricular activities for children? You can find them in this search engine

The school has already started but it is never too late to look for extracurricular activities. Although most parents point to their children when school starts, others wait to see how the children are 'defended' by the new subjects, in order to determine which will be the best extracurricular activity: if any that emphasize what you learned in class, or another where you can enjoy different activities.

However. When we already know what activity will be best for our son and we know the schedule that will best suit him to also allow him to study and rest, there comes the not always easy task: where do I find the best academy or activity? To help in this matter, the first search engine for extracurricular activities was born in Spain.

Many parents often turn to acquaintances or other parents to ask about their experience in this or that academy, but sometimes our closest circle can not help us choose where to target our child. Thinking about it, the company based in Barcelona Seeks Extra-School S.L. has launched the website '', a free search engine of academies and centers for extracurricular activities for children that filters by subject, neighborhood or area.

Search of extracurricular activities

The objective of this search engine is to help parents and families to find "quickly and easily" the academies or centers closest to their homes or schools of children, as indicated by the company itself.

The initiative, born about six months ago, already has more than 500 registered academies and centers throughout Spain, although its promoters do not want to stay there: they hope to have more than 2,500 academies of extracurricular activities registered in the search engine by the end of 2016.

Cristina García, creator of the platform, explains that until now "parents were going crazy trying to find the most appropriate schools and academies for our children and closer to school, family home or grandparents." A task that facilitates this search engine.

Find academies for children

As detailed by the company, thanks to this search engine parents have the opportunity to find the academies that provide the extracurricular activities that their children want to do in the neighborhood or the area that suits them for one reason or another.

Their way of working is very simple: it is only necessary to write the activity that is searched with the keyword (for example: "English", "Chinese", "ballet", "piano", "soccer", "school reinforcement", etcetera) and the area or neighborhood of interest in the city. In this way, the web automatically displays the academies registered with the search criteria that have been entered.

Once the menu with the academies is displayed, you can click on each one of them and a file with information of all kinds is opened: contact, the activities that are carried out and at what times and, in addition, it allows the parents to get directly Contact the interested parties by phone, email or visiting the academy.

The website also allows you to print the cards of the selected academies, save them in PDF format or send them by mail to an acquaintance who may be interested. In addition, if the search is made through the mobile phone, the web allows another option: send the information to WhatsApp contact.

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