Depression and its types

When a persistent feeling of sadness lasts for several weeks, there may be a beginning of a depressive situation, something that increasingly happens to more adolescents. According to several authors, such as Dr. Ángel García Prieto, a psychiatrist, there are three large groups of depressions.

Lostres large groups of depressions

1. The endogenous depressions

They are those that are apparently due to nothing external or to any factor of psychological suffering, and appear even in the happiest people. It is thought that they may have more or less genetic causes. They do not usually manifest themselves -at least in a clear way, as true depressions- in adolescence, but they tend to appear in their thirties.

2. Dysthymic depressions

This second group of depressions are linked to personality disorders. They suffer from people who feel frustrated and who are in continuous discontent with themselves and with their surroundings. With a bitter life, they continue throughout existence in the form of depression of less intensity, but continuous and chronic. It does not manifest itself as such among very young people, but from the mid-twenties.

3. Reactive depressions or depressive adaptive disorders

This is the majority group statistically, and yes they occur in adolescents. It is a depressive picture that appears as a reaction to marital separations of parents, school or academic problems, problems of self-esteem, physical illnesses, relationship difficulties or some other special negative situations.

The symptoms are: sustained sadness, daily and present in most of the moments; excessive fatigue; lack of enthusiasm for everything; lack of pleasure in almost all the activities of ordinary life; an enormous difficulty to think, to concentrate, to make decisions; alterations of sleep and appetite; feelings of failure, guilt or uselessness; ideas of death (not necessarily suicide, but for example: "I wish I died"). On the other hand, with certain frequency these low moods are favorable for the young person to seek, in a conscious manner or not, behaviors of abuse of alcohol, drugs, etc.

Ricardo Regidor
Advisor: Doctor Ángel García Prieto, psychiatrist.

Video: Major Depressive Disorder | Clinical Presentation

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