Decalogue to form an offender

Educating our children is not easy, we are all in agreement on that. We are afraid of making mistakes, but we know that with common sense it is very probable that we will succeed. Even so, the doubts that arise normally have to do with the demand. Am I being too strict? Will I be excessively permissive? Taking either of us to the extreme will lead us to train and educate people with many problems and difficulties to adapt in society.

Regarding this, the acquaintance judge of minors of Granada, Emilio Calatayud, always makes mention in his lectures to the "decalogue to form a criminal". It is a way of explaining what parents should not do if what they want is to form a responsible and mature person, and avoid educating an offender.

Make it clear that these standards are not yours, but that they were created from police experiences. Likewise, he believes so much in them that he sees the need to count them to warn parents and thus avoid bad education and the formation of petty tyrants.

Decalogue to form a small delinquent

1. Begin from childhood by giving your child everything he asks. That way he will grow convinced that the whole world belongs to him.

2. Do not give him any spiritual education. Wait until you reach the age of majority so that you can decide freely.

3. When you say swear words, laugh at them. This will encourage him to do more funny things.

4. Never scold him or tell him something is wrong. You could create guilt complexes.

5. Collect everything he leaves lying: books, shoes, clothes, toys, do it all. That way he will get used to burdening others.

6. Let him read everything that falls into his hands. Take care that your plates, cutlery and glasses are sterilized, but not that your mind is filled with garbage.

7. Discuss and quarrel often with your spouse in the presence of the child, that way it will not surprise him or hurt him too much when the family is destroyed forever.

8. Give all the money you want to spend. Do not suspect that to have money, it is necessary to work.

9. Satisfy all your wishes, appetites, comforts and pleasures. Sacrifice and austerity could cause frustrations.

10. Do your part in any conflict you have with your teachers and neighbors. Think that all of them have prejudices against their son and that what they really want is to annoy him.

And after this, Judge Calatayud warns: follow these tips and will form at home a little tyrant, who over time can become a real chorizo.

Juvenile delinquency is going down

It is proven that crime is going down. For Calatayud there are three key reasons that explain this decline:

- First reason: education. Fortunately the children are going back to school. With the crisis, young people who dropped out of school a few years ago have realized that in order to get a job and get ahead, they must resume their training. And on this, the basis of a society without crime is study and training.

- Second reason: the family. Today families are more aware of children, take care of their education and training, and try not to be influenced. In addition, the habit of refusing, of saying no, a word that a few years ago seemed to be vetoed for parents, has been resumed.

- Third reason For this judge there is a third reason that refers to corruption. According to him there is nothing left to steal on the streets, "the criminals have already taken everything away".

Crimes that are firing

The majority of cases he receives are from child abuse to parents. It is a typical crime of the middle / upper-middle class. In fact, Calatayud exemplifies: "I have never condemned, since 1988, as a juvenile judge, any gypsy for mistreating his parents."

In addition, cases of abuse between parents and adopted children also shoot up. In this second case, the main reason is the adoption and pretension of the children to make it clear that they are not their parents. The consequence of this is that many children are returned to Social Services, which is an outrage for both children and parents.

He explains that the cause of all this is that he has not been interested in transmitting article 155 of the civil code, which reads as follows:

The children must:

1. Obeying their parents while they remain under their power, and respect them always.

2. To contribute equitably, according to their possibilities, to the lifting of the burdens of the family while they live with her.

Children have rights but also duties, and it is necessary that they know it. It is very common to hear today's parents say "poor things, do not let what we have had to go through", and this is why we have been giving them too many rights without telling them about their homework.

In this same line, he explains that we have gone from the authoritarian father to the colleague father, which is a very negative factor in the education of the minors. It concludes on this that children are a fundamental element in the home but they should not be the kings of the house.

Addictions in adolescence

There are several dangers of addiction among teenagers. Emilio Calatayud explains some of them:

1. The game. Sports betting and spending on the game are an absolute danger among children, which also affects the family economy because children do not have their own money.

2. Television and computers in the rooms. For everyone's safety, television and the Internet have to be in the living room.

3. Smartphones and social networks. They are a drug and a dangerous instrument to commit criminal acts. We also give the good phones to the children, and the old ones that the children leave are the ones that the parents left us. These technologies can affect their studies, their rest and their social relationships. Regarding this, he gives an example: in a case he led, a minor mistreated his parents. Then they discovered that he had not slept for three months because he was hooked on online games, saying that he felt God and wanted to kill someone to go on television.

Sara Pérez

Video: Catholic Church sexual abuse cases | Wikipedia audio article

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