Songs to welcome the autumn with children

Autumn is here! After a more than deserved summer vacation and a necessary return to school, this September 23 at 10 in the morning we welcome the third season of the year: the autumn. A season very different from the one that precedes it: the rains come, temperatures drop, new fruits appear ... why do not we welcome you as you deserve?

Any excuse is good to put music at home: a birthday, an anniversary or, simply, that homework is over and it's time to rest and play with the brothers. Why not also take advantage the arrival of autumn to put other songs in the living room of home or children's bedroom?

exist thousands of songs (children or not) with reasons for autumnDo you know them? Then we select a few, but I'm sure you can think of one more. How have the children of the house reacted?

Autumnal songs to put the children

Vivaldi - Autumn

Although we must respect all musical tastes and let children create their own, teaching them the value of classical music from a young age will do them a lot of good in their musical culture. Therefore, our first recommendation could not be other than the Four Seasons of Vivaldi putting emphasis, of course, in the fall.

Cantajuegos - Autumn

When we talk about videos for children, Cantajuegos is one of the essentials. That's why here I could not miss this beautiful song dedicated to autumn and the changes that occur in the cities: the city is dyed red and the rains will visit us. Do you dare to sing it with your children? Surely you will have a good time!

Autumn brown

"Autumn came brown and yellow, autumn came and dried leaves left us." This short song that almost looks like a lullaby is a nice plea to autumn that we can put our children and sing together to identify two major changes that this season brings: the different color on the streets and the dry leaves on the floors.

The chestnut tree

When talking about the fruits of this season we mentioned, of course, the chestnuts. The streets are filled with castañeras, which means that in many places they have dedicated songs. This short popular song is ideal to learn and sing it with children, do not you think?

By the way, we leave you here another version in Catalan. Surely they also like it!

Autumn fruits

With an air of popular song and almost villancico, this fun song teaches children the fruits of autumn, very much in keeping with this time of year! Perfect also to learn it and sing it at home, right?

Antonio Vega - The autumn passes

Taking advantage of the fact that children not only like children's songs and that it is also good to listen to music and sounds of different styles, we can give them other types of songs with more "modern" or "adult" rhythms. For this reason, we also recommend this one by Antonio Vega, "pasa el otoño". Maybe they do not understand what they mean, but they sure like the rhythm.

José Luis Perales - The song of autumn

For nostalgic moms (and dads) we leave you another recommendation: The song of the autumn by José Luis Perales. Who does not remember fondly music from another time thanks to his parents put it at home and in the car? We relive music from another era but that never goes out of fashion!

Angela R. Bonachera

Video: Autumn Songs for Children - Autumn Leaves are Falling Down - Kids Songs by The Learning Station

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