Orders: keys to assign tasks to children

All children need to take responsibility for something in their home to feel that they collaborate. The assignments are especially positive for the children because they develop a good self-esteem and a feeling of competence through which they feel capable to carry out this task.

Teaching them to collaborate through commissions should never be an imposition, on the contrary, should be posed as a game. At the beginning, to educate the children in the order with the commissions, the playful sense helps the children to be interested in their activity, but later they must understand that it is their responsibility, that they should do it also when they do not want it and that they always have an objective that is the benefit to others, in this case, to the other members of the family.

To motivate the children with the orders it is essential to congratulate them when they do things well, offering them our recognition.

Keys to assign assignments or tasks to children

- The orders must contemplate two aspects: that the child learns to be responsible for their things and also that they develop generosity.

- A danger of family commissions is that each one only assumes his order and does not help spontaneously in anything else "because it is not my responsibility". Therefore, having orders does not exempt us from living at home a climate of generosity and mutual help.

- It is preferable to use the order system, rather than talking about a general collaboration in the family, since this way the work is distributed better. With the commissions everyone knows what is expected of him.

- Your example as parents is fundamental. If they continually complain about our work, if we protest and pass on the bill for everything we do, we are not helping them to develop responsibility.

- Do not resort to punishments when you do not fulfill your order. It is better to appeal to the affective and to your generosity. A child from 1 to 6 years old loves to feel older and help. These are the motivations that we must awaken. Make him see how happy we are when we meet him, celebrate in a special way, develop satisfaction for doing things right, etc.

Change orders every so often

To encourage the motivation of children for their orders, it is important to respect their own initiative, giving them the possibility of choose your orders and even the way and time to meet them. However, over time you must learn to do, not only what is fun, but also what it costs. By example, both parents and older siblings are the ones who can most easily help the child to internalize that there are things that should be done, even if they are not pleasant.

Periodically vary the orders It can also be a good measure, since children between 1 and 6 years old need a lot of motivation from the outside. Changing commissions helps them feel more motivated and do not get tired. In addition, demonstrating that they are capable of doing different things increases their sense of competence and the feeling of "help" and collaboration with others.

Successes visible through drawings

On the other hand, children need to see and see things materially, so it is important that, through graphics or drawings, they can see what their jobs are. You can write them or sit an afternoon with them and fill a sheet of paper with their drawings that represent the orders. Also, if you put it in view, in the cork of the kitchen, or in the fridge you will make them "feel important".

Another recommendable aspect is to encourage them to be themselves who see graphically how they are getting it. For example, every day you remember to turn off the light, climb a ladder rung; every day you pick up your room, put a sticker, etc. And, when I get seven stickers, you can organize a family celebration.

Marisol Nuevo Espín

Video: Finding Your Life's Purpose And Connecting With Your Inner Child - Mastery By Robert Greene

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