Ordered children, how to educate in the order

In the education of our children it is important to dedicate an essential part to order, knowing that this one begins with the responsibility to see in a few years how, easily, he orders his time, his closet, his room and his work table. Involving them in housework, teaching them to take care of their things and drawing their attention to good manners are some good tips to educate in family order.

Tips to educate children in order

1. Involve them in the order of the home. How? Through the orders: throwing things into the garbage can, distinguishing the yellow bag for the containers; put the clothes in the washing machine, separating the socks in their corresponding bag so that they do not mix with the rest of the garments; help place the purchase, for example, milk cartons; order movies and books; check the school material to check that nothing is missing, etc.

2. Educate them in the proper use of things. You have to make them see that well-maintained things last longer, and, therefore, it is everyone's duty to take care of them. Likewise, each object has its "instructions for use" and in each case there are orderly guidelines that govern the correct execution of a task, which our children must learn little by little. For example, teach them that there is a concrete and orderly way to cover a book, or that they help us in our things and they will feel important because they "help dad or mom".

3. Call your attention to the external aspect we offer and good customs: do not go with the moquillos hanging; wash your hands before eating and after going through the toilet; tell mom to cut our fingernails and toenails; Know how to distinguish when the laundry is dirty and put it in the basket; try to go staining as little as possible when eating. And take care of everything related to your school work, your portfolio, books, etc. Incullate good habits at the table: do not stretch, do not make noises, do not put your fingers on the plate, etc.

Objectives of educating children in order

How to live the order with our children to ...

- May they be virtuous.
- That the family atmosphere is pleasant.
- That they be effective in the study and later in their professional life.
- Know how to organize and set goals in life.
- That they know how to make better use of time and enjoy life more.
- That they know what must be done in each moment.
- That they learn to be punctual and fulfill their obligations.
- That they distinguish the fundamental from the important, and the important from the secondary.
- That they be disciplined and clean, both externally and internally.
-And, above all, to be happy and direct your life with coherence.

Order at home: how is our house going to order?

We will say that there is not a good sense of order in the home if ...

- We usually have trouble finding things, or we lose them frequently.

- We do not take care of things so that they last longer.

- We usually arrive late to appointments.

- We used to leave things for the last minute.

- Children go dirty to school or with homework undone.

- We do not demand the order in a systematic way, but arbitrary.

- We do not have clear schedules in topics such as: eating, dining, going to bed and getting up, also during vacation time.

- We ordered in a hurry before going to bed, after a whole day messing up.

- We put things out of sight, stacking them without rhyme or reason in drawers or closets, which we then never ordered.

- We order the house or the room when there is no other choice. For example, in the case of children, when a mother's quarrel comes on them; or in the case of us, the parents, when we are going to receive a visit.

- We keep the damaged toys in one place with the new ones, spent pens or markers with which they paint, sharpened pencils and those that do not have a tip, expired medications with those that are not, etc.

- We accumulate due to lack of order and forecast more things than are necessary. For example: we do not check the pantry and buy things that we already had.

Ana Aznar
Advice:Inmaculada Núñez Lagos. Professor at the Villanueva University Center.

Video: Planet Song- teach the order of the planets!

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