The school backpack, a good place to work the order

The sensitive period in which children internalize the order concept It is very brief. The care of school materials provides a good opportunity to achieve this and the school backpack is a good place to work with children.

Order is one of the great battles of all families. The tendency of children to get toys as they want to change their activity, without picking up the previous ones, ends up leaving disastrous rooms that unleash the parents' frustration. If we had a good day, maybe we would like to encourage our children to pick up songs and games. If the day has been bad, it is more likely that we will break out in cries that end in regrets for everything that forces us to work when we are exhausted.

How to get children to be ordained

Getting our children to be ordained is essential both for family coexistence and for their own good. And childhood is the best time to achieve it because it is when the brain is better prepared to acquire this habit.

To work order, we need to start from the basis of the children's own responsibility. As long as they do not feel that what they are ordering depends directly on what they do, that need to order will not arise. That is, it is unlikely that we awaken in our children the desire to order mom's shoes, but you will understand that, for your own good, the toys in your room have to be ordered.

Now that the course has just begun, we can turn to backpacks, school materials and books as elements to exercise this virtue. In effect, it needs a daily and constant exercise to become an automatic action. The elements that children bring to school are especially suitable for working order because they are "personal and non-transferable", at least during that academic year. That implies that only they will use them and that only they hurt not find them on their site when they need them.

Steps to work order with the school backpack

We parents have to guide our children to achieve this challenge that will greatly simplify their lives.

First, we prepare very specific spaces with our children where they can leave their material. It can not be "on the bed" or "there, on the table". You have to look for a specific place. For example, the pencils will go in a box, a drawer or a beaker; the books of the school will have their hollow in the bookshelf and the backpack will be hung in a concrete hook. We can decorate with our children labels with their name that help them understand that those points of the room are reserved for their things.

The second phase of the learning process requires repetition. Each day, together with them, when we return from school, we will tell them where to place things. It is essential that they follow a specific routine that will be established in each house according to the needs, for example: snack, change, order, do the task ... We will try to always be the same.

In the third phase we will only monitor that, in effect, they have taken ownership of the practice. We will remember from time to time, we will praise your maturity to get the challenge and only when several days in a row after a reminder do not follow the established criteria, we must intervene.

Alicia Gadea

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