The first 15 times you will live in pregnancy

The pregnancy It has a lot to do with preparations for the arrival of your baby, but there are also a lot of key moments that start from you know that within your being there is another small newly created and ready to be formed and grow. We collect some of those moments that, sure, you will live and you will recognize.

And the advice and advice of doctors, mothers and friends, the growth of your belly and the typical symptoms of pregnancy, you will live a lot of "first times" (or second or third, depending on how many children you have, of course) that is interesting to highlight. Most of these moments they will be happy, although it is true that someone may ask you why your baby is not coming and your back stops hurting you.

These will be the main "milestones" of your pregnancy, that is to say, those first times that you will live during the nine months that remain ahead beginning with, of course, the news of it. There are some more pleasant than others, but all are signs that a new and wonderful being grows inside you ... Surely many of them recognize them!

The first times in pregnancy

1.- Positive. Indeed, the first milestone of your pregnancy is knowing that you are pregnant: either with a pregnancy test, a blood test or the unequivocal "yes" of the doctor, here begins the greatest adventure of your life: being a mother.

2.- "I'm going to be a mother". During pregnancy (especially in the first months, afterwards it will be obvious) you will say a lot of times that special phrase: "I am going to be a mother". However, the first time has a special power: who will you tell before? How will you give the news?

3.- When you experience the discomfort "morning". This does not happen on all occasions, but in some pregnancies it is somewhat unpleasant to discover that "morning sickness" and how there are days when it lasts throughout the day. Understanding and living it is also part of the process.

4.- When you do not enter your pants. The first few weeks of pregnancy the belly changes relatively little and you can continue to wear your own clothes, but there is a time when pants say "so far, you have to buy premamá clothes." This will also be a key moment and we must be prepared: nothing happens, probably when our baby is born we will not be too long in putting back those cute trousers.

5.- Your first picture of your belly on Facebook. Again, this is not something that always happens, as many mothers prefer to maintain their personal lives (and the growth of their belly and baby) in privacy, but many others will share in social networks images of how their gut is increasing in size ... and the first is key. Get ready for hundreds of comments! Of course, afterwards you will probably love to see how time has passed so quickly.

6.- The first time you buy something for your baby. We have already said, pregnancy is largely a wait for the baby to arrive, and in the preparations enter many purchases: the first (well, and the second, third ...) that you buy for the little one, whether it be a 'bodie', some shoes or sheets for your crib, will be a very special moment of extreme happiness.

7.- The first time you will listen to the your baby's heartbeat. It is one of the most incredible and shocking moments of pregnancy: to hear how that little kid you are inside is alive and your heart beats at such speed will be incredible. A sound that you may never get used to ... and that you will always enjoy with a wonderful thought: "there it is, and inside nothing I will embrace it".

8.- The first time you can not see your feet. The belly will grow and there will come a time when you can not see your feet when you are standing. But calm, just think that if your belly is growing is because your baby is forming and getting strong for soon (it is less and less!) To be with you.

9.- The first whim. During pregnancy will be very typical cravings: strawberries, anchovies, ice cream ... desires that sometimes and even times of the year are strange and even difficult to get, but that your body will ask fervently. The first one will be the kick-off to all the others.

10.- When they announce the sex of the baby. Another key moment of this wonderful adventure will be to know if your baby will be a boy or girl, a news that will also reveal many other preparations on many occasions: colors for the room, specific clothes ... everything must be ready for your arrival!

11.- The first time someone touches your belly. Let's be honest, during your pregnancy it is likely that they touch your belly more than during all your previous life.Keep in mind that friends and family do it without bad intention, it is a way to caress the baby, but if you do not feel comfortable, feel the freedom to ask that they do not.

12.- The first kick. The first kick of your baby will come when you least expect it, and it will be so surprising that you will probably be "hallucinating" and not being very sure of what has just happened. From that moment, the others will arrive in the same circumstances: without waiting for it. Just stop and enjoy that magic of feeling your baby.

13.- The first time someone comments about the size of your belly. As we have said, the growth of the belly will mark the entire pregnancy, and so will the others. It is not surprising that many comment whether it looks big or small. At first it can be annoying, but keep in mind that it is just a way to start a conversation, be cordial and change the subject.

14.- Get up, that impossible task. There will come a time when getting up alone from the bed, the sofa or even the chair will be difficult and you will end up needing help. Do not be scared, you are going to be a mother and this also enters the process. Just accept it with a smile: if this happens it is because there is less left for the little one to arrive.

15.- The first contraction. They will warn you that at the end of pregnancy you will begin to feel contractions, but it will not be until you experience the first when you will know what that is. Stop, relax and breathe: nothing happens, and from now on there are quite a few like that ... but calm, again this is just a sign of something wonderful: the baby is approaching.

Angela R. Bonachera

Video: 16 And Pregnant - From Student to Teen Mom

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