Young people distanced from their mothers consume more drugs

Much is said about the importance of mothers in the development of children and adolescents, but little was known about its relationship with young people's drug use. According to a recent study, teens with more affectionate mothers tend to consume fewer drugs such as alcohol or tobacco than those young people who have a distant relationship with their mother.

The research, carried out by experts from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Seville, highlights the fact that the relations of the children with their parents are very important and that even influence the use of drugs by young people.

In this way, the researchers assure that young people living in poorly cohesive families tend to consume more drugs such as alcohol, tobacco or cannabis than those who have been raised in a more affectionate and affectionate environment among their parents.

Emotional distance with parents

The study concludes that in our country, to have a good development, "young people do not need to distance themselves emotionally from their fathers and mothers, something that does happen in other parts of the world such as the United States, where emotional autonomy is more necessary ", say the main researchers of the work, Águeda Parra and Inmaculada Sánchez.

Likewise, the experts explained that in order to arrive at their conclusions, they elaborated a longitudinal investigation along ten years. During this time, they interviewed 90 students from the province of Seville when they were 13, 15, 17 and 21 years old with the aim of studying the evolution of adolescents from different environments and socioeconomic levels.

Adult is not of legal age

After the results of this interesting study, these two experts have launched another line of research with another researcher, Professor Alfredo Oliva. The three seek to investigate What factors of risk and protection influence the transition to adulthood in Spain, a matter about which Professor Sánchez is blunt: in her opinion, adulthood does not depend on age, but on the socioeconomic and cultural context of each country.

As they have explained, the transition to adulthood "It is a stage little studied from the scientific point of view, but of great transcendence, because it is the prelude to the adult world and, in it, young people will acquire responsibilities and make decisions that will condition much of their future. "

The objective of this new study, for which 1,400 testimonies have been collected, is to prepare a guide that aims to guide to improve development individual and the personal and family relationships of young people.

Angela R. Bonachera

Video: Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated - Official Documentary

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