Decalogue for a summer with children

The holidays are to rest, but not to do nothing. Therefore, they are a good time for children to start helping at home, to encourage the habit of reading, to make them feel that for one day they send them, to attend music concerts and do a lot of different things in the family taking advantage of our free time.

Summer decalogue for families with children

1. Enjoy with the family. The course has been very tired and we deserve a vacation. In order to show that we are really in this phase of vacations, it is essential to make a difference regarding the school stage. It can be changing the place of residence, or showing us more flexible with the schedules, and looking for plans to be together. Because it is not about "spending as a family". We must not forget that the plans that children like the most are precisely the simplest.

2. Leave moments to "do nothing". With the difficult balances between family and work life, everything is programmed during the course.

3. Locate the most fun plans for everyone. It requires a small effort on our part, but thanks to the Internet it will not cost us much to dive into the leisure offer we have around us.

4. Prepare "senior" plans well. That we have small children does not mean that all plans have to be as children. It is a good time to introduce them to activities of older people, for example, visit a museum. But for us to succeed in our company, we will have to prepare the tour in advance, perhaps raise some kind of game, such as a small treasure hunt through the pictures displayed.

5. Enhance autonomy. Sometimes we do not have time to let them learn to carry out the small domestic tasks that correspond to them by age. Summer, where everything does not have to be perfect and on time, is a good time to let them experiment. They will consider it an entertainment because, with our example, they are always willing to help.

6. Listen to them. Let them speak to us without stopping, that they do not respond to anything in particular but give free rein to what goes on in their heads.

7. Enter your "wonderful inner world". Parents have to make the effort to know that world in which the imagination of our children develops. It's not about playing princesses or superheroes with them, but about talking to them about princesses or superheroes.

8. Avoid very long days. The passage of time is one of the concepts that costs children the most. They do not understand the distribution of hours. However, if we organize the activities by blocks throughout the day, they will know that they have to wait for the time they want to arrive.

9. Run away from technologies. A good detoxification is usually simple in the summer because holiday places do not usually have the networks that we have at home. If we give them books and appetizing comics, notebooks and paintings, they will be delighted.

10. Rediscover the family. Marriage has the opportunity to sit down and enjoy the gift of the family, value, one by one, with time, each of the children, stop to think about their luck.

María Solano

More information in the books:

- Rediscover the family, by Nicolás Álvares de las Asturias

- The 7 habits of highly effective families, by Stephen Covey.

Video: The Animated Kid's 10 Commandments Series

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