7 eye care essential in summer

In the summer season, eye problems increase. Among the main factors that can damage the eyes we find the high ambient luminosity, the exposure to the sun and the chlorine of the pools, as well as the high temperatures, the dryness of the environment and a poor protection when practicing certain sports.

7 ways to take care of your eyes in summer

1. The sunglasses. Excessive exposure to solar radiation -in particular, to ultraviolet radiation- is very linked to corneal burns or keratoconjunctivis, as well as to intensify certain conditions such as pterygium and, in the long term, cataracts or some retinal lesions, the latter related diseases with aging.

Hence the importance of the use of approved sunglasses, whose purpose is to protect from the aforementioned ultraviolet radiation, reduce the likelihood of glare, and damp the solar luminosity.

Finally, it should be noted that wearing sunglasses, which only have colored crystals, but that do not protect from ultraviolet radiation, is more harmful than not using them. This is due to the fact that, when the luminosity decreases, the pupil dilates, being, therefore, unprotected against ultraviolet radiation and its consequent negative effects on the retina.

2. Eye protection in sport.In summer, the ophthalmological consultations of emergencies derived from sports practice without adequate eye protection are increased.

In the case of sports that use small balls such as tennis or paddle where there is a probability of receiving an impact of the ball in the eye.

There are cases in which this impact causes the bursting of the ocular globule, a lesion that can become extremely serious, due to traumatic uveitis and retinal concussion and even retinal detachment that may require urgent surgery.

On the other hand, during the practice of cycling, the protection of the glasses can prevent foreign bodies from impacting and staying in the eye.

3. Eye protection in swimming pools.It is advisable to wear glasses when swimming to avoid conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis due to eye irritation due to chlorination of water.

In addition, it is a favorable period for the transmission of eye infections. Themost frequent infection is bacterial conjunctivitis, which is what occurs when swimming in a pool. Some bacteria, such as chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis), can not be eliminated by chlorine, and may cause conjunctivitis in swimmers.

Some viruses, such as adenovirus and herpes virus, can also cause conjunctivitis, the so-called "conjunctivitis of the pools". Your treatment depends on the cause of conjunctivitis, but it is essential to be in the hands of a specialist to tell us the treatment to follow. Do not submerge your head under water if you have had an eye intervention in the last three weeks.

4. Contact lenses in the sea or pool. The use of contact lenses in the sea or in the pool should be prohibited. And is that contact lens users should take special care during the summer months, avoiding its use in the pool and at sea, because of the potential risk of contracting eye infections.

It is important to note that you should never use contact lenses when you are in the water, the sea or the pool, as they can become contaminated and cause very serious infections in the eye.

4. Environmental drynessIt is produced, above all, by heat, in areas far from the sea or by prolonged exposure to air conditioning. The dryness causes a greater evaporation of the tear, giving rise to the sensation of dry eye or foreign body, stinging or heaviness.

It is convenient to wear sunglasses because it prevents the tear from evaporating and the usual use of artificial tears. However, if you suffer from these symptoms for a long time, you should see a specialist to prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

5. Allergies. The decrease in rainfall that occurs in summer increases the number of particles in suspension in the air and generates a charged environment capable of causing ocular allergies. It is important to go to the specialist as soon as they begin to notice the first symptoms of allergy. You have to take special care with children and adopt the same measure if you notice that your eyes are irritated or red.

Practical advice to reduce allergies:

1. sunglasses reduce the contact of allergens with the eyes
2. put a special allergy filter in the air conditioner
3. reduce outdoor activities until midmorning, since before there is more pollen
4. use swimming goggles, since chlorine worsens allergic conjunctivitis.

Special care for children:

Special attention must be paid to the child and to observe his eyes well, to prevent possible irritation or allergy and to maintain good visual health.

1. Sunglasses are not just for adults. However, we must be careful with the chosen model; you must ensure that it is approved and that it has a protective filter against ultraviolet rays.

2. If the child does not wear glasses, You can put a hat or a hat with a wide visor. Under no circumstances should you be exposed to the sun for a long time.

3. Beware of cloudy days. The sun's rays act throughout the day, whether there are clouds or not.

Dr. Azucena Baeza. Ophthalmology Service of the Beata María Ana Hospital, Madrid

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