5 tips to read aloud with your children

Several studies have shown that reading aloud is the best way to give a child the tools he will need to be a good reader, listener and student. Reading together is also a special moment for you and to strengthen the bond between father and mother and child. Let him cuddle by your side while you share the stories, laugh at the story, the characters, live it.

With books, the child can learn many things such as concepts, behavior before a book (respect it, share it, etc.), or expressions, through characters with different personalities. They also learn reading comprehension, that is, they learn to understand the feelings, because the protagonists laugh, cry, suffer, have a good time ... On the other hand, it is good to look for collections of books that transmit values.

5 tips to read aloud with your child

- Read slowly, with expressions. Try using different voices for the different characters.

- Follow the words with your finger when you read. Your child will see that the words are read from left to right and can begin to identify some written letters.

- Point out the drawings and say the names of the objects and colors. Let your child repeat the names.

- Talk to your child about the book as you read. Encourage him to describe the drawings, repeat phrases used in the story and think about what might happen.

- Remember to have fun together! The more fun and happy the child is when you read aloud to him, the more he will like the books and the more he will like to be read.

Tips to encourage interest in reading in children

- When you go out for a walk or when you go shopping, you can play with the signs and announcements. Take advantage of those that you know he will identify or know how to read. Congratulate him when he hits you or when he finds words you say.

- If at any time you see that it costs, you can read a page for you and another for him. Take advantage of and reinforce the intonations so that you get used to them and have a good reading comprehension.

- At 6 years old, the child is already of reading age, so you have to continue motivating him with the topics that you like the most. For example, a book that talks about your favorite animal, or the great inventions of science. The important thing is that you take the pleasure for reading, you find interesting to spend time with books.

- If you're more of a nervous person, Do not get impatient with your child if you see that it takes a little longer to acquire taste and habit by reading. If he notices that it disturbs you, he will block himself and will not be able to read a line. It is better to leave it for another time.

- Start with books that contain a lot of image and little text. It is beneficial if you have children of 1 and 6 years old. For example, books of riddles, illustrated dictionaries children, encyclopedias for children, comic books. In short, stories intended for these ages that have virtually no text and many illustrations.

Ana Aznar
Advisor: Sílvia Gallostra. Psychopedagogue of Essential Minds.

More information:

- How to make children readers. Carmen lomas Pastor. Ed. Word.

Video: How to Read Aloud to Your Child: Nemours BrightStart!

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