Week 8. Pregnancy week by week

Physical and psychological changes of pregnant women

You have been pregnant for two months, you are in the eighth week of pregnancy, and although you have noticed normal changes for a couple of weeks, now you will begin to notice other types of more physical changes.

1. Even though it's still early to notice your abdomen increased, maybe you'll start to notice that the clothes squeeze you. Soon you will begin to take a baby tripita.

2. Maybe you suffer from punctures in the stomach or pain very similar to menstrual. This is normal, because the ligaments of your uterus are stretched.

3. Nausea and vomiting continue. Do not stop eating five times a day even if they are small quantities.

4. You continue having tiredness, drowsiness, fatigue and mood swings.

The development of the baby during week 8


The embryo, Through the placenta it receives nutrients, water and oxygen. Although in the ultrasound of week eight of pregnancy can not yet know the sex of the baby, yes that you can see some features. Some of them are:

1. The embryo already measures between 1.5 and 2 centimeters long.

2. The features of the face begin to form. It already has upper lip, eyelids and the tip of the nose.

3. The ear is formed, both internal and external.

4. The whole skeleton is distinguished because it is made of cartilage and the skin is very thin.

5. In the heart the valves are distinguished throbbing

6. Lungs begin to form branching his only bronchus into bronchioles.

The health of the pregnant woman at week 8 of pregnancy


You should know that from the first trimester of pregnancy, your body will gain weight. At first it is normal to lose weight a bit because of the discomfort of pregnancy, but you should know certain things about your health.

1. You must have a rich diet in folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iron, iodine and zinc.

2. You must also perform moderate exercise or sign up for gym classes for pregnant women.

Control of pregnancy in week 8 of pregnancy

This is the month in which you will perform the first ultrasound. The doctor will tell you to lie down on a stretcher and pass the ultrasound on your belly. The doctor can tell you approximately the size of the embryo, if everything goes as it should and an approximation of the date of delivery. Normally the ultrasound will be in 2D, but 3D and 4D ultrasounds are currently becoming more fashionable.

Pregnancy calendar week to week

Click on each petal or circle to see the content of your week or trimester of pregnancy respectively.

Video: Your 8th Week of Pregnancy

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