Week 28. Pregnancy week by week

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Changes in the pregnant woman: week 28 of gestation

Although each woman's body reacts in a different way, these are some of the most frequent signs in week 28 of pregnancy.

1. Your gut keeps growing. Consequently, the skin of your abdomen is stretched reaching even itching.

2. Swelling of the feet and ankles due to a greater accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

3. Back pain and other abdominal muscles. It is normal for you to feel more heavy and clumsy in your movements.

4. You may notice contractions (contractions of Braxton Hicks). They are not the contractions previous to the body but they do suppose a "training" of your body for that moment.

Development of the baby in week 28 of pregnancy

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Your baby is already 35 - 37 cm and weighs more than a kilo. Already begins to produce a fatty layer under the skin that will give a softer and more rounded. On the outside, his skin is still covered by what is known as lanugo, a thin layer of hair that covers his entire body except the outline of the lips and palms of the feet and hands. Its brain surface, which until now was smooth, begins to have grooves and its cerebral cortex develops to the point that it can begin to harbor knowledge.

In general terms, your senses are more and more awake. Your central nervous system is still developing. As a development of your brain activity it is already possible to detect certain patterns of sleep and activity.

Other changes in the development of the baby at week 28 of gestation are:

1. More movement. Especially when you are sitting or in bed to sleep. On the contrary, they will take advantage of your periods of activity to rest. The kicks are getting stronger and you can even see that movement reflected with bulges in your gut.

2. First acknowledgments of your voice and even music to which you can respond.

3. It can have hiccups.

The health of the pregnant woman at week 28 of pregnancy

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First, you may suffer heartburn and heartburn as the growth of the uterus slightly displaces the stomach and intestine, which favors the passage of gastric juices from the stomach to the esophagus.

On the other hand, you will feel more need to drink water and go to the bathroom. At this time your kidneys filter one more liter of blood, which increases your need to drink water. Likewise, the pressure that the uterus (also increasingly large) exerts on the bladder and the pelvic floor causes you to go to urinate more frequently. This increasing need to go to the bathroom and the increasingly frequent movements of the baby can make nighttime insomnia more frequent.

Emotionally, you will begin to think more often about the time of delivery and the health of the baby. The childbirth preparation course will help you control nerves and possible fears.

The growth of your baby will cause you to consume more energy and therefore you need foods with greater contribution. For this reason specialists recommend the consumption of carbohydrates present in rice, pasta, legumes, potatoes or fruit, which will provide you with more immediate energy. All this without forgetting other groups of nutrients such as proteins and fats, in addition to, of course, minerals and vitamins. As a contribution of calcium, yogurt is recommended, fermentation will make you tolerate it better than milk.

Control of pregnancy in week 28 of pregnancy

The delivery is approaching and one of the advice of the specialists is the participation in a preparation course for childbirth. Sign up with your partner, that will help your relationship as well as strengthen your new identity as a father and mother. This course will help you to understand and prepare the moment of childbirth, although, in general, it will guide you through pregnancy, week by week, delivery and post-partum, including basic care for the newborn.

Pregnancy calendar week to week

Click on each petal or circle to see the content of your week or trimester of pregnancy respectively.

Video: 28 Weeks Pregnant: Watch Your Baby's Movement in 28 Week Pregnancy

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