The nutritional needs of the nursing baby

The breast milk and adapted milk At the beginning they cover the high energy demand of the infant thanks to its high fat content (48-55%). The fat must be easily digested, preferably emulsion. In addition, fat is going to be the vehicle for fat-soluble vitamins and the child needs small amounts of an essential fatty acid: linoleic acid.

Breast milk contains it in abundance and supplies 6 to 9% of total calories in the form of linoleic acid, while cow's milk contributes 1 to 2%.

In order to understand the nutritional needs of the infant, it is necessary to refer to some aspects of its rapid growth:

- The weight of the infant, during the first year, triples with respect to the weight of the birth.

- The size goes from 45 to 50 cm. from birth to 75-80 cm. of the first year of life, while the second year only increases about 25 cm. and then between 7 and 10 cm., per year.

- The cranial perimeter passes in the first year from 35 to 47 cm.

Types of breast milk

It can be considered that there are three types of breast milk:

1. The Colostrum. It is the first secretion that occurs the first days after delivery. It has special characteristics, providing fewer calories than mature milk and higher concentration of sodium, chlorine and potassium. It is a hyperproteic secretion due to the large amount of immunoglobulin. It also has a laxative effect, since it helps clean the meconium, and prepares the digestive tube to receive mature milk

2. The milk of transition. It is richer in enzymes and fats, but less protein than colostrum.

3. Mature milk. It contains all the nutrients necessary for the development and growth of the infant.

The composition of breast milk varies throughout the intake. While at the beginning it is rich in sugars and liquid, as the intake progresses, the second milk will appear that is creamier (rich in fat) and therefore with more calories.

Composition of breast milk

ENERGY 75 Kcal./100 ml

PROTEINS 0.9-1.1 g / 100 ml

H. CARBON 7 g / 100 ml

GREASE 4.5 g / 100 ml

CALCIUM 29 mg / 100 ml

IRON 0.05-0.1 mg / 100 ml

Advantages of breastfeeding

1. Nutritional advantages.Breast milk is the best food for newborns and infants, since it adapts perfectly to the nutritional needs and to the digestive peculiarities of that moment. Thus, the protein in breast milk is more digestive and of higher quality than that of cow. The fat is better absorbed and has high concentrations of linoleic acid, prostaglandins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. The high concentration of lactose, which stimulates the production of ph acid and together with the low content of phosphorus, can inhibit bacterial growth and facilitate the absorption of calcium.

2. Immunological advantages.

- Breast milk because it does not need to be prepared has the advantage of not being contaminated.

- The bifid factor of breast milk can inhibit the proliferation of certain pathogenic organisms by creating an acidic medium in the gastrointestinal tract.

- Breast milk contains antibodies (immunoglobulins A, G, M), which serve to immunize the infant against certain infectious diseases.

- Breast milk is less susceptible to trigger allergic reactions.

3. Psychological advantages.The mother who breastfeeds her child gets satisfaction by perceiving that it is the source of her son's nutrition. She feels that she gives the child the best of herself, while in the ritual of breastfeeding, intimate ties are established with the baby.

4. Other advantages

- The incidence of breast cancer in women who have breast-fed is much lower than in those who have not.

- Lactation helps the uterus return to normal more quickly after delivery.

- It is more comfortable to not require the preparation of bottles.

Artificial nutrition with formula milk for the baby

Although breastfeeding is, according to the above, the best option to feed the newborn, there are times when it is necessary to resort to formulas adapted to meet the requirements of the infant. Artificial lactation would be indicated when the mother:

- Does not have milk for any reason

- Does not have enough milk (mixed lactation)

- Have certain diseases, take certain drugs, or have an addiction (alcohol, drugs) that would harm the baby when passing through the milk.

- Work outside the home.

It is evident that in these cases, delicacy should be exercised with the mother to avoid feeling guilty about this fact. Moreover, it is important to emphasize that the gratification that the mother and son perceive with breastfeeding can also be achieved through artificial feeding. The maternal heat can be perceived by the baby when he is embraced and is comfortable taking his bottle.In addition to artificial lactation, parents can and should participate more actively in raising the baby and thus "unload" the mother of all the effort of parenting.

The start and follow-up formulas are obtained from modified cow's milk, to make its composition as close as possible to breast milk.

Advantages of artificial lactation

- We know the exact amount of milk the baby is taking.

- The mother can be treated with drugs without this posing a risk to the child.

- The child can be fed without the physical presence of the mother. This point is of vital importance in the current working world.

- The qualitative and quantitative composition of milk is exact. There are no fluctuations due to the time of day or the physical and emotional state of the mother.

- In the case of children with lactose intolerance, protein allergy, etc., the child can be fed with the corresponding special milk.

Disadvantages of breastfeeding

- By not having antibodies, does not protect the child against infections.

- The risk of contamination is greater due to having to be prepared

- It's more expensive than breast milk

- Some authors indicate that the bonds between mother and child are diminished. As a man, I prefer to see that with artificial feeding, we are allowed to "participate in that special intimacy between mother and child".

Pedro J. Toranzos Carazo. Pharmacist and Nutritionist

Video: Foods To Avoid While Breastfeeding- SheCare

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