Week 15. Pregnancy week by week

We are in the fifteenth week of pregnancy week by week and we have been able to see how the body of a pregnant woman changes and how the fetus develops. Your life has changed and will continue to do so throughout the 15th week of pregnancy.

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Physical and psychological changes of pregnant women

Fifteen weeks of pregnancy and thirteen weeks of gestation. Physically, your pregnancy week by week begins to be more visible because physical changes are accentuated.

1. The line alba appears. It is a line of brownish tone that goes from the navel to the pubis. This line disappears after delivery. It arises due to changes in the production of melanin in our body.

2. PYou can feel an increase in body hair.

3. Also You can get spots on the skin, feel that you have left more freckles or moles or that you have become more brown. This is what is called suffering a gravidarum chloasma. But it is not to worry, it usually disappears after pregnancy.

4. It is normal for you to start stretch marks, Be careful and moisturize your skin.

The development of the baby during week 15

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Your baby is in the second trimester of pregnancy week by week and already has thirteen weeks of life. Each time it is bigger and more formed.

1. It already measures between 10-11 centimeters long and weighs about 50 grams.

2. The bones are increasingly more formed because they have more calcium, but most are cartilage. Do not forget the flexibility that a baby has until it grows. The reason for its flexibility is a mechanism for childbirth that human nature has.

3. Make a large number of movements.

4. Your nervous system has already developed a lot Y The thalamus, the hypothalamus and the ventricles of the brain can be distinguished.

5. In case you have to do some test on the fetus, such as puncturing or inserting a catheter, because it may present a problem, the fetus has a very fast and unmarked healing capacity. Although this is only true during the first half of pregnancy, little by little you will lose that disposition.

The health of the pregnant woman at week 15 of pregnancy

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This second trimester of pregnancy is a time of emotional tranquility. You will feel more relieved and you will not take things so personally. Some recommendations of doctors are the following:

1. You must sleep eight hours a day.

2. Put your legs up, your circulation will thank you.

3. Keep having a balanced diet, with carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins.

4. Fish rich in Omega-3 will make you feel good and avoids fish such as tuna and swordfish, among others, which contain a lot of mercury.

5. Hydrate your skin to avoid stretch marks.

6. Share every moment with your partner.

Control of pregnancy at week 15 of pregnancy

If you have not done yet chromosomal screening that had to be done around the 12th week of pregnancy, you can still do it. In fact, it is done in the first quarter because the result was more sensitive, but it can also be carried out now.

To perform screening in the second trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound of the twelve weeks of pregnancy is used as support. If there was any risk of possibility of chromosomal alteration, the patient would be given an amniocentesis that would confirm the result.

Pregnancy calendar week by week

Click on each petal or circle to see the content of your week or trimester of pregnancy respectively.

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