The big changes of your baby from 0 to 12 months

Soon your son will be born. During your first year, you will be amazed by the amazing changes you will see in your baby until his first birthday. Remember that every child is a world. Not everyone weighs the same at birth, nor do they begin to crawl at the same time, nor do they eat in the same way. What you read or hear about it will only serve as guidance. In case of any doubt, the best thing will always be to consult the pediatrician.

The evolutionary development of your baby month after month during the first year

First and second month of the baby. During its first month of life, the baby usually keeps his fists closed and begins to notice the faces and objects, while responding to the voice of the person addressing him. The daily patterns of sleep, crying and feeding are still very disordered. In the second month, the actions become voluntary. You can keep your head up for several seconds. Coordinate the senses: look for sounds, identify mom when she sees the bottle or chest, study the movements of her hand, etc. He is able to demonstrate disgust, excitement or pleasure and visually prefers people to objects.

Third and fourth month of the baby. Already in the third month you can keep your chest erect and your head held high for several seconds when you are on your stomach. Move your arms and legs with force and quickly, murmur and follow the objects in slow motion. He laughs easily and spontaneously.

At four months: being on your belly is already able to turn from side to side and is when the first falls, from the bed or the changing table. Focuses on different distances, swipes objects, follows the source of sounds, laughs and makes new sounds and imitates others.

Fifth and sixth month of the baby. During the fifth month he will try to reach the objects with his hands, pass them from one to another, he can scream and make "trumpets". When vocalizing, he imitates the modulations and intonations of adults, cries to get his attention, as well as smiling faces and voices. Throughout the sixth month he can sit with help, quickly and without hesitation reaches anything he sees, has sudden changes in temperament and can be annoying to strangers.

Seventh and eighth month of the baby. Now he sits alone, gets up on his hands and knees, swings, grabs, manipulates, etc. He begins to take everything he finds to his mouth, throws away the objects, his attention will be more concentrated and he understands his first words. Crawling occurs during the eighth month, both forward and backward. He begins to develop the ability to grasp pincers (with his thumbs and forefingers), often spends long hours examining food, claps and waves with his hands, retains small series of events from an immediate past, babbles a variety of sounds and enjoys of his first games.

Ninth and tenth month of the baby. With nine months he will be able to get close to grab the objects, follow simple instructions and keep a series of ideas in his head. At ten months he takes his first steps around the furniture and shows interest in putting things together or looking for hidden objects if he sees where they are hiding. Understand and obey some words and orders, try to say goodbye, as well as follow the rhythm of children's songs. Understand the meaning of the word no and issue gestural communication.

Eleventh and twelfth month of the baby. It will take its first steps without sustaining itself. He begins to be aware of his own actions and some of their consequences, seeks approval and rejects the prohibitions. Before the year it will combine series of standing, walking and walking, reaching objects with certainty while looking the other way, putting objects together instead of leaving them separate, expressing many emotions and already distinguishing oneself from others.

Curiosities about the development of the baby

1. WeightThe weight of the child at birth is determined by the weight of the mother prior to pregnancy, the duration of pregnancy and weight gain during the same, and ranges between 2.5 and 3.5 kilos. During the first year it triples the birth weight. It is normal to lose weight in the first days of life, which recovers between the next 8 and 12 days.

2. Size It goes from 45-50 cm. at birth, at 75-80 cm. at the end of one year (approximately 25 cm), which means a 50% increase in size compared to birth.

3. Teething.Normally, it starts about 6-8 months. If the exit of the teeth is delayed and no problems of bone growth are observed, it can be a family genetic characteristic.

4. Psychomotor development.By 12-14 months they start the march and relate to the environment.

5. Development of the senses. Food plays a very important role in the development of taste, smell, sight and even touch and hearing.

Tips for parents on the development of their baby

- At 4 or 5 months other foods are added to your diet, such as fruit porridge, dairy, etc. The plates and thermal bowls are very useful, as well as the learning cups and glasses.
- Evolutionary furniture is very practical in these ages, because they are transformed adapting to the different stages of growth of the baby.
- Baby's teething period begins around 6 months, for which a teether comforts you.
- The baby has lower sodium needs to those of adults, so it is not necessary to add salt in their meals, since it satisfies this need through the sodium that foods naturally contain.
- Around 10 months your child will begin to crawl and will even take its first steps. It's time to buy products for home security: corner protectors, video covers, cover-plugs and security locks for doors and windows are some of the elements that make up the necessary equipment for a home without dangers.

Ana Aznar

You may also like:

- Baby crawling

- The first steps of the baby

- The dream of the baby

- Bottle tooth decay

- Stages of baby language

- Weight and height growth curves

Video: Tummy time exercises for your baby

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