Sports in pregnancy: precautions and benefits

A shallow analysis can make us think that sport or physical activity and pregnancy are opposite realities. It's worth stopping to think about how good it can come Physical activity to cope with pregnancy with energy. There are dangerous situations that we have to avoid and they are obvious, but we will not conclude that during pregnancy it is better to do nothing.

Women athletes or less athletes

- Women who perform physical exercise usually are able to continue their practice but with slight modifications, spacing the training sessions and avoiding traumatisms.
- In sedentary women or who practice physical exercise Occasionally, gestation is not the best time to promote new sports practices. It will be advisable to join a specific program of preparation for childbirth.

The sport in pregnancy by trimesters

- During the first trimester of pregnancy You can do physical activity normally, but taking care of some details: avoid great efforts and small injuries.

- In the second and third trimesters activities that develop qualities such as flexibility, relaxation, muscular strength (aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles and correcting the postural changes produced by the displacement of the center of gravity backwards) and breathing exercises will be sought.

Benefits of physical activity during pregnancy

1. Improvement of muscle tone. This favors the postural correction and allows to face the work of pregnancy and childbirth with less risks and unwanted effects.
2. Increase in psychological well-being thus reducing anxiety, depression and insomnia very common in the last months of pregnancy.
3. Liquid elimination thus achieving an adequate caloric balance.
4. Normalization of blood pressure.
5. Protection against gestational diabetes (transient elevation of the glucose figures due to the decrease in insulin during pregnancy) can be used as an alternative treatment that would reduce or even suppress the use of insulin.
6. Improvement of balance and coordination in general.

Recommended sports in pregnancy

It seems clear that the prescription of a physical exercise program should be adapted to the anatomical and functional changes that the woman experiences during her pregnancy and factors as diverse as her health status, previous experience and preferences or hobbies should be considered.

The most recommended sports are walking, swimming and cycling, which can be done well into the pregnancy provided that irregular or rocky terrain is avoided due to the risk of falls.

- The March It is advisable to do it in the form of 20-30 minute walks that can be increased gradually up to 1 hour / day at an intensity of walking that allows talking with a companion. 2-3 days a week.

- In swimming may interest us to enroll in courses of matronatation. Normal sessions are 1 hour with exercises that do not exceed 5 minutes. 2-3 days a week.

- For cycling we can pedal quietly at home several days a week for 20-30 minutes. You can practice bike until the eighth month of gestation. 2-3 days a week.

Special attention to sport in pregnancy

- Before launching it is important to have medical consent.

- Fatigue will be the intensity thermometer. Do not wait for exhaustion to stop.

- It is necessary to carry out previous heating and subsequent "cooling" (for 5-10 minutes, accompanied by stretching and relaxation before and after each session).

- Avoid the static position during prolonged periods.

- Use suitable and comfortable sports clothing and shoes.

- Drink liquid and eat in a sufficient and adequate way.

Marina Berrio

Video: Treating Pregnancy Symptoms : How to Exercise in the 1st Trimester of Pregnancy

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