9 keys to improve the sleep of the baby

It is logical that, although our son is very small, we want to accustom him to stay calm during the hours of rest. It is exhausting to spend the nights awake, therefore, there comes a time when it becomes inevitable to end their constant nightly claims.

Although during the first days it is normal to feel uneasy, this situation will improve little by little, as long as we follow some simple tips.

9 tips to improve the sleep of the baby

1. Accustom the baby to a routine. There is not an hour more suitable than another to bathe the newborn, but if it is done before the last shot it will become a habit for the little one. In addition this practice lengthens the sleep of the newborn.

2. It is advisable to shorten the duration of your morning napsAlthough the baby's organism requires sleep throughout the day, it results in sleep at night.

3. Respect the baby's schedule, whenever possible. Any sudden change in your routine could alter your rhythm and therefore, your nightly sleep.

4. Precede the sleep time of moments of calm and relaxation. In this way you will gradually get used to identifying each moment of the day: rest and periods of activity.

5. Dinners should be rather light, because the abundant food hinders the digestion and causes alterations of the dream. It is not surprising that a baby can not sleep for the simple fact of having eaten more than necessary.

6. Avoid walking and cradling the newborn at bedtime. If he woke up at night he would be unable to sleep again without this kind of help.

7. It is convenient to put some classical music in very low tone, in his room, to reassure the newborn at the time of putting him in bed.

8. It is advisable to announce in advance those situations that precede the moment of going to bed.: the bathroom, the dinner, the story, the lullaby ... Although the baby still has no notion of time, in this way, he will easily assume each situation.

9. Accustom the baby to adapt to being alone and awake, without crying in his crib. To avoid the tantrums of the newborn, it is best to teach him from the first day to be quiet when he wakes up. For this, you can buy a stuffed animal or mobile that allows you to distract in times of insomnia. In this way, he will not wake up anyone and will go back to sleep by himself, when he falls asleep.

Teresa Pereda

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- The dream of the baby

- Babies should not sleep with light

- Child sleep chart

- Insomnia problems in children

- The importance of children's sleep

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