5 guidelines for full school performance

Parents always want their children to improve the level of their grades and, therefore, reflect an improvement in the school performance. Children, meanwhile, need mainly organization and balance in their day to day. In most cases, they are not able to do it themselves, so adults should be the ones to set the appropriate guidelines.

Depending on the age, the demand is increasing, as well as the study volume and it is recommended that the child begin to follow these guidelines from the beginning of their school years. If it is done from an early age, the student adopts these guidelines in a natural way and is not conceived as an obligation and, therefore, the results will be more positive.

To achieve this change, parents must guide, supervise and encourage these habits. But how should they act? With patience, since these changes require your time, but with effort it is possible to achieve it. The involvement and motivation of parents will be a crucial aspect. Exemplifying with their behavior is the most effective way, since children seek to be the reflection of their parents, "says the professional.

5 recommendations to optimize school performance

- Maintain a daily routine: children need guidelines that give order and limits in their day to day. This routine should include time to review what was learned in the classroom, prepare the backpack for the next day, play or develop other playful activities and, in addition, a fixed time to go to bed.
- Food: never skip breakfast, since it is the most important meal of the day and should account for approximately 20% of the total daily caloric intake. On the other hand, we must bet on a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, legumes and fish, as they favor concentration, memory and performance.
- Break: Lack of sleep can cause attention problems. Ten hours is the rest time necessary for a child, although it depends on the age and needs of each one.
- Perform other types of activities: it is important for children to carry out activities of a playful nature that provide other types of values ​​in their education. The practice of a sport has great benefits on a physical and mental level and, in addition, generates great values ​​such as effort and companionship; On the other hand, artistic activities, such as music, improve the student's mental abilities.
- Correct study organization: Before beginning the study, it is necessary to take five minutes to organize the subjects taught that day; In addition, to maintain performance, it is advisable to take a break of 10 minutes for each hour of study. Underline or make schemes, summaries, mental maps or use mnemonic rules, are techniques that help to assimilate better concepts.

Ana Herrero Psychologist at Braims School

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