The audition of young people, in danger due to bad practices

Young people hold to dA multitude of harmful listening practices that are putting your hearing at risk. This has been warned by the World Health Organization (WHO), which calculates that 1.1 billion young people around the world are at risk for listening to music at a large volume or exposing themselves to very harmful noise levels, such as in nightclubs or sporting events.

As the WHO explained in a report, there are at least 43 million people between the ages of 12 and 35 who suffer from hearing loss that incapacitate them, and this is due to very diverse causes, although they have been especially worried about the increase in exposure to loud sounds

Clubs, bars, cinemas, concerts, sporting events and even gyms tend to emit sounds and music at volumes that hurt people's ears. Also, some technological devices such as Music players the danger of hearing loss is also increasing, as young people use them for prolonged periods at too high a volume.

The result? "a serious risk of irreversible hearing loss". This has been alerted by the organization, which has indicated that it is the young people between 12 and 35 years old from countries with medium and high incomes who are exposed to the most risk.

Tips to avoid hearing loss

The WHO has launched alerts of the situation, but it has also made it clear that it can be avoided if five basic tips are followed on a day-to-day basis.

1. Low volume: this international organization has reminded that keeping the volume low is essential to avoid hearing loss. For this reason, it is advisable to respect safe levels of noise exposure, use earplugs and helmets or headphones that fit well and, if possible, isolate the surrounding noise.

2. Time: The exposure time to noise should also be limited, since that duration is one of the main factors that contribute to hearing loss. Thus, it is recommended to make brief auditory breaks; Stay away from loud noises and limit the daily use time of personal audio devices (such as headphones).

3. Measure the levels: WHO advises monitoring the safe levels of noise exposure using smartphones technology, which allows measuring noise and, thus, knowing the risk of hearing loss.

4. The role of professionals: Of course, at the slightest doubt of losing hearing, it is necessary to go to a specialist. It is useless to deny it for a while if you can put measures before-

5. Auditory revisions: The last recommendation is related to the previous one: it is necessary to make periodic auditory revisions to both children and adults. This can help detect the onset of hearing loss in its initial stage and put means so that it does not go over.

Angela R. Bonachera

Video: Oops! Acts Go WRONG on Got Talent | Got Talent Global

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